Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Winter Get-Away

Holidaying always looks great. Relaxing and perfect. When one is anticipating. Let’s just say it’s not always so good when one is experiencing.

Always remember to pack essentials in your little carry-on. You never know where your luggage will vacation. Often it’s not where you are.

When renting a car, make sure it’s not to a company who’s waiting to pick you up on Martinique. When you’re on Guadeloupe.

B&B photos aren’t always accurate. Ditto for reviews. And if it looks like a ‘renovation’ instead of a ‘vacation’, head for the hills.

When your Landlady promises every day for twenty days that you will have wifi ... tomorrow, it’s really okay to not believe her.

You don’t have to stay home from your day at the beach to let workmen in. They aren’t going to show up anyway.

Actually that’s not true. They will show up. Right at suppertime. And stay till midnight. The noisier the tools—the later they stay.

One working toilet for eight people in the corner of one of the bedrooms can suffice. It just takes a lot of cooperation.

A brand new bathroom (and toilet) following a week of noise and confusion and workmen at all times is definitely worth it. Almost. 

One other important thing, though, is a door on that new bathroom. People get skittish when whatever they are doing is public knowledge.

Just because supposedly competent workmen have been properly engaged, it doesn’t follow that said workmen will install new windows in the right holes.

One can do without hot water in the kitchen. As long as there is plenty of it in the working bathroom. True story.

You can think of a million and one dishes you want to make in the oven—when you don’t have one that works.

Remember to watch out for the exposed wires that are supposed to make said (non-operational) oven work. They can really pack a wallop.

Bright and shiny. Like something out of a modern kitchen. Just because a toaster is top-of-the-line, it doesn’t follow that it will actually…toast.

Always keep a thick, absorbent mat on the floor in front of all the sinks. So the water will have someplace to go.

The Landlady’s idea of a beautiful swimming pool, and yours, are probably poles apart. Nine feet of mud isn’t nine feet of water.

Back-hoes in your front yard, adding to the mountain of dirt that is NOT your swimming pool, do not make for relaxing days.

Buying tools and effecting repairs yourself is totally acceptable. And may save your precious sanity. Just don’t expect a reduction in the rent.

When a foreman says he will come back and build you a front step, believe him. A pallet can be a front step.

Sometimes desperate tourists are the popular fathers of invention. Walkways made out of pilfered shipping crates will be appreciated by the whole neighbourhood!

It’s quite all right for your washer to discharge down the outer house wall. It’s also fine to use it as a shower.

Just because a baguette is warm, it doesn’t follow that it’s fresh. OR ant-free. Please be careful when choosing your boulangerie!

Don’t worry. We’re fine. Enjoying the sun, fun and  beaches in beautiful Guadeloupe. At least they work!

Word Counters is another of Karen’s word challenges. Each of us participants is given a number submitted by one of our fellows. It is this number we use to craft . . . whatever we want.
It’s totally fun!
My number this month was 23 and given to me by Mimi of Messymimi. Thank you, my friend. This was so much fun!
And fairly therapeutic…

You’ve read mine. Now go and see what the others have created!

Baking In A Tornado          


  1. Interesting times even whikle on vacation. The curse has hit you solidly :) Enjoy the beaches.

  2. I'm still jealous. Just not as much.
    Have a great rest of your trip!

  3. Perhaps I'll cross Guadeloupe off my wish list :(

  4. Oh no! Sounds like things went from bad to worse ... and I really hope those exposed wires were a "what if" and not a "it happened" story ...

    On the other hand, I've always felt the worst stories make for the best ones in the re-telling. Never dull, anyhow :)

  5. Sadly we would all rather hear about holidays from hell than we would blissful times. Thank you for indulging a side of me which doesn't make me proud.

  6. Oh my...sounds like some serious lessons here with travel and accommodations. Not jealous of the one bath and 8 people. Yikes. Scheduling..
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  7. Oh, dear. Sounds like quite a mixed bag of a vacation!

  8. Couldn’t have said it better myself! Almost like I was there. Lol


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