Monday, January 27, 2020

Done Duty

We, all of us, have duties that we like to take to heart,
Some take lots of brains, a certain modicum of ‘smart’,
While others need some passion and a sprinkling of skill,
And a third group, well, let’s face it—everything is just downhill…

Now Harold was a good ol’ boy. A friend to everyone,
And pitched right in if there’s a job that needed to be done,
He answered everybody’s call, was first to volunteer,
That’s how he was right there to help to unload Bob’s new steer.

Now Bob was driving. Harold’s job was shouting ‘BACK!’ or ‘WOAH!’
So Harold took his place, then raised his hands and hollered, “Go!”
And Bob, he backed the trailer up, as neat as neat could be,
With Harold acting bravely as Bob’s ‘Back-Up’ appointee.

“Now back and back and back some more!” old Harold shouted, clear,
His words were heard quite easily by folks both far and near,
“Back and back.” And then a CRuNCh! And then a “WOAH!” was heard,
Then Bob, he sighed, and yes, he may have said a nasty word.

Confronting Harold, he inquired just what it was he knew,
And did he know to holler ‘WOAH!’ before the CruNCh! came through?
Then Harold nodded eagerly. For sure he’d get it right.
And they’d unload the steer this time sans incident or blight.

Then “Back and back and back some more!” the helpful fellow cried,
Then, CruNCh! Then “WOAH!” (Not helpful, no. What would you decide?)
And Bob hopped from his pickup, gave his friend a nasty look,
Said, “Harold you’re an imbecile in anybody’s book!”

“You’re going to wreck my trailer, maybe cripple my new steer!
“Not to mention, this unload is taking half-a-year!”
So Harold reassured his friend, said, “This time I’ll be true,
“Just give me one more chance and you will see what I can do!”

So once again he took his place and Bob slid ‘neath the wheel,
Bob put the truck into reverse, his friend began his spiel,
“Back and back! And back some more!” Yep. Harold’d learned a bunch,
Cause this time it was after “WOAH!” that Bob would hear the CruNCh!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see!
And now you’ve seen what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Merry Mae

Next week, we’re going to have a time,
With ‘Water’ in the subject line!


  1. So funny. Love the crunch and then the Whoa. Also love your poems. Hope you publish them someday if you haven't already.

  2. Still not quite getting it, Harold old boy :D

    I love how you spelled CruNCh - so much conveyed by those two capital letters near the end!

    "Water" it is! Thanks, Diane.

  3. Poor steer. I imagine him to be rather disturbed by all this banging and yelling.

  4. Some people are just not cut out for some jobs. Happy Monday!


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