Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I think he did just fine!
Many men take a very active role in child-rearing in this modern day.
There are baby-change-stations in public men's rooms.
And I've even seen a ‘Father’s Room’, complete with rocking chairs, for feeding and caring for babies and children.
It’s a good thing.
When I was growing up, it was not so.
Men were not only not encouraged to take part in the care of children.
At times, they were actually discouraged.
My dad started child-raising in the 40s. I don’t think he changed a diaper in his whole life.
Husby started fatherhood in the late 70s. He changed plenty of them.
And my sons rearing children in the present day? Even more.
But it’s not really the diaper-changing that I'm talking about. It’s what it represents.
A chance to take a more active role, and be closer to, their children.
My dad had observed this shift in the parenting paradigm.
With regret.
Let me tell you about it . . .
In the earlier days of our marriage, Husby and I lived in a small home that he had built. A very small home. 306 square feet.
In that tiny space, we still managed all of the amenities. I had my washer and drier. And even my dishwasher.
There was a minuscule front room, carpeted with tacked-down rug samples from our local carpet store.
One day, my dad stopped by for a chat.
I happily sat down with him in the front room.
There, between us on an otherwise tidy floor, lay a broom.
Two things stand out in the aforementioned (Oooh, good word!) statement.
One, that the room was tidy.
And two . . . hmmm . . .
Okay, just one.
Dad noticed the broom. “Um, Diane,” he said. “Why do you have a broom in the middle of your carpeted front room floor?”
I looked at it. “Oh.” Then, “Erik!”
My two-year-old bounced into the room.
“Your steed!” I said.
Erik grinned and, picking up the broom, he straddled it and ‘rode’ it out of the room.
Then I turned back to Dad.
He was shaking his head and had tears in his eyes.
“Dad! What’s wrong?”
“I never enjoyed you kids when you were little,” he said. “Never spent enough time with you. I should have.”
Dad was a product of his time. A time when men weren't expected to take that more proactive role.
It’s a great pity.
P.S. Dad made up for his perceived lack of involvement with his own kids by being very proactive in his grandkids. 
It was a beautiful thing.


  1. Yes, things are very different now and I think they're so much better for both the fathers and the kids. All while I was reading this I was thinking "your dad has a sort of a second chance with his grandchildren". Then I read your "P.S." It made me smile.

  2. You're so right that in a lot of cases, the generation of dads above us was discouraged from actively taking part in parenting. Society has changed, and in this way, I'm sure it's for the better.

  3. A very beautiful thing. And yes, as jenny_o says this is decidedly a change for the better.

  4. Your dad had the wisdom to see what he had missed. And thank goodness, he was able to enjoy his grandchildren.

  5. I love reading your posts. You tell the story of so many families. My father was such a gloriously wonderful father I actually believed that all men were like him. I was very lucky.


  6. It's a good change. Just think men were not in the delivery room either and thankfully that has changed!

  7. It is beautiful. Both my parents were deceased before I had my son, and I think my father (who lived some distance from us) would still have been a most devoted grandfather - he loved children so. And he was involved with me, too, in some ways - read me bedtime stories, took walks with me, and more (for his time).

  8. Yes Aunt Diane. And I live with the product of that grandfathering EVERY DAY! Jase is a chip off the chip off "the ol" block"! I love and miss Grandpa myself. Not only was he the best Grandpa to his grandchildren. . .he was an amazing Grandpa-in-law to me!

  9. My dad was similar to your’s, my husband was much more involved and did a great job with changing diapers. My son and son-in-laws took it even a step further and share 50/50 in child raising. Now only if they could give birth......

  10. It is a joyful thing to watch this change taking place, isn't it.


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