Monday, January 13, 2020


Each four years, we get special day,
To use to go to work, or rest, or play,
The twenty-ninth of February dawns,
Aaand . . . we greet it with our normal blinks and yawns.

My brother’s friend was born upon that day,
Couldn’t celebrate each year, needless to say,
But on her day, her friends, a fuss did make,
Her sixteenth. With four candles on her cake!

My brother and his wife chose Leap Year, then,
Decided then to marry way back when,
So now I know that Leap Year is upon,
By looking at the years through which they’ve gone.

But leap year’s most especial now to me,
And had been for a lot of years. You see
It was during leap year Husby and I wed,
Started sharing everything from ‘eh’ to ‘zed’.

I know it is just one day in each year four,
But I understand much better than before...
There’s other days each year that higher rate,
But for a whole year this we celebrate!

Cause Monday’s do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not?!

Next week, and it will be perfection,
We’ll talk all our vast connections.


  1. Special story about Leap Year. :)
    If one is wed on Feb. 29, I wonder how it works with the giving of gifts according to years. All the good gifts seem to be at 50 and above.
    Sorry to ruin a good poem with goofy thoughts. lol

  2. To be born on leap day ... and only get to celebrate your birthday once every four years must be bad, especially for a child. Bet you and hubby never forget your wedding day :)

  3. I imagine anyone born on or married on February 29 would find it extra-special, a wonderfully unique date to associate with their special day! And on the other years, you can just commandeer the day before or the day after . . . or both!

    Connections! Great topic!

  4. Great poem and story behind it. I knew and loved a woman who was born on February 29th. She was the mother of a friend of mine and my library teacher. I learned a LOT from her, and my gratitude continues. She died a little while ago, and I mourned.

  5. A very fun poem, it did help my Monday the 13th.

    There's a family in the Guiness Book of World Records because all three of their chidren were born on Leap Day in three sequential leap years. My understanding is they didn't plan it that way, it just happened.

    Connections is going to take some deep thought.


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