Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Light in the Darkness

The darkness doesn’t bother me at all,
Cause Christmas lights all go up in the Fall,
And drive away the darkness that has crept
Upon us in such tiny increments.

But after Christmas, darkness gets me down,
As decorations leave all over town,
Allowing night that has been held at bay,
To creep upon us, shortening each day.

So Husby, he of brain and heft and might,
He takes me with him when he seeks the light,
And for the very darkest part of year,
He somehow finds a place of sun and cheer.

So now I’m reading tales of cold and woe,
My children tell of shovelling the snow,
Sooo . . . Apologies to all of you, my troop,
But I’m sitting in the sun in Guadeloupe!

Each month our Karen challenges us,
To craft a po-em without muss or fuss.
So happily, we all put pen to page,
Trying to create a new ad-age!


  1. No snow here but I sure do envy you being at the beach where it is warm and sunny

  2. Freezing here with just a bit of snow on the ground. I'm sitting there in Guadeloupe with you. Well, in my mind anyway.

  3. Enjoy your sun. Feel free to package up ours and take it with you when you go home.

  4. Sunshine, warmht, longer days. MotherOwl is green with envy rigth now. Drizzy, dreary January days hitting me with the full force og theur shorness now at half past 4 it's already nigth outside. Send some sun and sunny pictures to all your suffering admirerers.

  5. I love the last two lines! I hope the sun has come out, your luggage has arrived, and all is well :)

  6. It is good to challenge ourselves with something ... anything. I think we/I too often look at what others have written or done and perhaps give up because we can't live up to such wonderful things. That thought can be an idea killer right away.
    While blogging is an anonymous way to post our trials and errors, we don't have to publish every attempt.
    I found some writing ideas on Baking in a Tornado that I might try. (under the covers where nobody can see or read .... no lights in the darkness allowed)


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