Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Half-Way Home

We’ve been on Guadeloupe for a little over a month.
For the first two weeks, we struggled with a plethora (real word) of set-backs vis-a-vis housing.
But have really enjoyed the island itself. 
Warm waters. 
Soft sands. 
Lush vegetation.
It really is quite a prosperous island. Certainly anything ‘government-related’ (museums, gardens, aquarium) has been uber well done!
We are living in Deshaies.
Interestingly enough, where they shot (or continue to shoot-I’m rather fuzzy on the whole ‘next season’ info) Death in Paradise. One of Husby’s and my favourite programs.
It’s fun. There are pictures all over the town of the actors...acting.
We’ve seen the building that ‘houses’ the Honore Police.
Eaten at the restaurant that doubles as ‘Chez Catharine’.
They even do Death in Paradise tours.
Which we haven’t taken...
So here’s where I show you what we HAVE done!
Little critter we found at the Botanical Gardens.
And no, he wasn’t friendly...

Also at the Botanical Gardens.


Sunset over Deshaies.
If you look closely, the Star Clipper is on the horizon.
We’ve sailed on it several times!

Fort Delgris 

More Fort Delgris

The view from...

Getting ready to climb Soufrier

Breakfast in January on Guadeloupe.
Yep. I could get used to this!

The first ‘wetting of the feet’!

Commanding the waves...

And That brings us to today.
It’s sunny and warm. The island breezes are blowing.
I see snorkelling in our future!
Wish you were here!


  1. What fun. I was worried, hearing your stories the first few weeks, but the beauty and fun of the island makes up for a lot.

  2. This looks a bit like paradise, but then you have hthe housing problems and unfriendly crittes to prove it's not ... I envy you anyway.

  3. I love your pictures! I know nothing about Guadeloupe and have learned something reading your posts. Looks amazing. Want to go someday.

  4. Just Beautiful! I am so jealous! I hope there is a little bit of this in our future... LLC

  5. What a gorgeous setting! I was hoping that the problems were receding and you were getting a proper vacation :)

  6. It looks and sounds lovely.
    My partner is a big fan of Death in Paradise too. I found the swapping of the lead actor too confusing to keep up.

  7. Florida (a major snowbirding destination for people living in upstate New York) may end up being our snowbirding destination, whenever snowbirding occurs, but those were some beautiful pictures. Except for that critter.

  8. It's all so beautiful. Is the house on the beach there? The one the English Detective stays in? I can see you're all having a wonderful time.

  9. Oh, i am so glad for you, and i wish i could come visit.


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