Monday, February 3, 2020

Sweet Water

For today’s Poetry Monday challenge, we chose the topic of ‘Water’.
And oh, the directions that water will flow today...
Now the Milk River flowed right around the ranch buildings on the old Stringam Ranch.
And in it or on it, we kids spent our childhood days.
The best memories...

When I was wee, a sound I’d hear,
That could be heard, both far and near,
Was water.
It flowed around the ranch. And me.
In its flight toward the sea,
That water.
In summer—in it, I was found,
With siblings gathered all around,
Pure water.
In winter, frozen it would be,
The skating good, (though hard on knees),
Cold water.
And now in mem’ry it must stay,
Though it flows still unto this day,
Sweet water.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought...
Did we help?
Or did we not? 

See what directions the water flows for my friends...


  1. Wonderful! Love the healing properties of water. It can bring such joy and serenity.

  2. Sweet water indeed. If ever I become rich I will live by the water.

  3. The sound of water and a warm canvas tent
    on a lazy afternoon
    as the campfire crackles nearby.
    That is stuff that dreams
    are made of today.


  4. Water is so versatile! ha ha

    Loved your memories of Milk River from your childhood. It is good to be able to visit those memories whenever we wish, especially if we can't visit the real thing for any reason.

    Next week's topic is "relatives" - I forgot it was my turn to choose until late, late, late last night, hence no email to you!

  5. ahhh, water, my favorite place!

  6. A swim down Memory Lane? Sweet, sweet milk of childhood.

  7. I would love to be surrounded by water. I should live on an island. Oh wait! I do! Australia is an island.


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