Saturday, February 1, 2020

Just a Wee Bit Nippy

Just add boy . . .
Kids raised on a ranch grow into their jobs.
Quite literally.
For example, first, their job is to feed the chickens and gather the eggs.
Then, when a little older, they start cleaning the coop.
At the great age of seven, when his next older brother Bryce moved up into the milk cowman job, Dad graduated from the first to the second.
A heavy job for a seven-year-old.
But it did have its perks.
Or maybe 'jerk's.
Let me tell you the story . . .
Dad was taking care of his new Saturday chore. Cleaning the coop.
He had finally finished hauling out the old and dirty straw.
And had moved on to bringing in the new, clean and sweet-smelling.
As he was raking it into the coop, a litter of young pigs discovered him.
And his bounty of new, clean and sweet-smelling (see above).
Ahhh! Perfect for a group of small, pink-hided brothers and sisters in search of someplace nap-worthy.
They snuggled down and were instantly asleep.
Dad stared down at them.
They looked so comfortable.
And he had been working so hard.
Happily, the small boy snuggled in with the small pigs.
When he turned, they turned.
And when they turned . . . you get the point.
All was well.
Then, the decisive move.
Either he turned out of turn, or they did.
One of them was out of sync.
Because the little piggy next to him—his new ‘brother-in-straw’—took offence and bit him. 
On the ear.
With a gasp and a hand held to the offended member, Dad jumped up and glared at the offender.
Then rousted the whole crew out of his straw and finished his job.
I guess nothing says ‘get back to work’ quite like a sharp nip on the ear.
I’m going to remember that with my kids . . .


  1. Alison here. I love reading your book and stories

  2. Smiling.
    Is a nip on the ear better or worse than going wee wee all the way home (which would taint that sweet smelling straw)?

  3. I didn't know pigs would bite. Clearly I did not grow up on a farm :)

    The image of a little boy asleep with piglets is sweet indeed.

  4. Pigs are very smart and I bet that one knew your dad wasn't supposed to be napping. That would have been a nice sight to see though, all napping together.

  5. There's nothing like taking a nap with your future breakfast, right? Farm people are nothing if not practical.


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