Saturday, February 22, 2020

The White Stuff

It’s the ‘white stuff’ in the middle of the Oreo cookie that sets it apart from all the others of its friends in cookie-dom.
But only if you know about it.
Maybe I should explain . . .
Oh, and I’ve changed the names of the people in this story to protect the guilty.
Because she told me to . . .
Beverly had a younger brother, Farley.
A sweet young boy who doted on his big sister and often did her bidding.
Their Mama didn’t bring store-bought treats home often. She preferred to bake her own.
But when she did, the occasion was noted.
When the Oreos appeared, it was a very good day, indeed.
Beverly, without fail, would take a cookie, un-sandwich it and eat the white bits, re-sandwich it, find Farley, and with a, “Here, Bro! Mom got Oreos! Have one!” give the de-icinged cookie to him.
He was delighted and would happily crunch his treat. “Thank you!”
This went on for some time.
Years, in fact.
Then that momentous day when big sister went off to university.
Shortly thereafter (Oooh! Good word!) Mama brought home a package of Oreos.For the first time—ever—Farley took his cookie right out of the package. 
He bit into it.
“Wow! Mom, they sure have improved these Oreos! They’ve started putting white icing in the middle!”
In life, you can get away with things for a while.
But just know that, eventually, they are going to catch up to you.
And then where will the icing be?


  1. That 'eventually, they are going to catch up to you' fills me with hope.
    On so many levels.

  2. Oh, that poor kid! I hope he grew up to think of some extremely clever means of "getting" his big sister. That's justifiable revenge in my book :)

  3. That's a pretty mean trick to play on a brother.
    I'm one of the few (or many?) who don't like Oreos, not even the white stuff, whatever it may be.

  4. She deserves to be gotten back.

    You have reminded me of my friend, DiDreaming, and her kids.

    The eldest boy picked on his sister unmercifully, and she doesn't believe in just getting even, but in giving right back.

    He grew up to be a police officer, and so she taught her children to call him "Uncle Piggy"!

  5. What a sweet brother! Sister should be gotten back.
    I think I have a recipe to make the white filling. I wonder where it is.

  6. This only child laughed for several minutes!


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