Monday, February 24, 2020

A Puzzlement

A puzzle is a wondrous thing,
As tiny bits, together, string
And from it, something lovely comes,
From pleasant scenes to contests run.

But is there something else around
That’s similar—in sight or sound?
Where little pieces make a whole,
When sorted from the rig-ma-role.

Oh, my word, yes! Just look and see,
Small pieces bring big things to be.
And these collections of small parts,
Are where the big things really start.

I think right off of dogs or cats,
Or even chickens, pigs or rats,
Each is a sum of tiny bits,
From heads to toes from hearts to wits.

The bigger things are just the same,
The trees of less (or larger) fame,
The mountains with their wondrous towers,
That make so great, this world of ours.

I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise,
That even going down in size,
No matter how minute things get,
They’re made of smaller bitsies yet!

To quote Siam’s great king, Monkut,
“Tis a puzzlement”. Aptly put.
To think that even us and him,
Are puzzle pieces, limb to limb.

I know you’ve heard it now, and then
‘Someone’s’ a ‘puzzle’. Big amen!
But there’s no need to scream and shout,
It means they’re hard to figure out.

But . . .
Though we’re assembled, more or less,
From pieces made and then compressed,
There is much more to you and me,
Than puzzle pieces that you see.

Cause Monday’s do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin,
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, it’ll be my first back home,
Let’s talk of gnomes. Or combs. Or foam.


  1. Wonderful and so true. We're all the sum of our parts!

  2. I love how you look at things - including human things :)

    Multiple choice topics! Great idea - thanks, Diane!

  3. Big thoughts produced by your head confronted with small pieces. Thought provoking and good poem.

  4. Love it! Your talent always astounds!

  5. Families are also puzzles, each small piece making up the whole. Nice poem.


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