Tuesday, February 25, 2020

When Kids Speak

Chris and Jerry. And a less embarrassed Mom.
They have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the right time . . .
Mom and Dad were travelling with Chris and Jerry, my eldest sister and brother, then aged 3 and 2. The little family stopped in at the Palomino restaurant in Forth MacLeod, Alberta (a town about two hours from the ranch).
The stop had been two-fold. A much-requested bathroom break.
And subsequent feeding station.
A table was secured near the restroom door.
The two kids were immediately taken to ensure fulfillment of the first need.
Then resettled at the table as their parents went about satisfying the second.
After their order had been taken, the wait began for the forthcoming delicious food.
With nothing to occupy their attention, Chris and Jerry spent those intervening minutes studying the other people in the busy restaurant.
And missing little.
As they sat there, a young couple came into the restaurant and took the table next to them.
Chris watched as the young man got up, murmured an excuse to his partner and headed for the restroom door.
“Are you going to go potty, too?” she asked.
In her clear, carrying, three-year-old voice.
The restaurant hushed for a moment as all eyes turned to the red-faced young man who ducked quickly through the restroom door. They then turned to the even more red-faced young mother sitting at the table with the tiny broadcaster.
Entertainment and embarrassment all rolled into one neat, cuddly bundle.
Don’t leave home without one . . .


  1. Yes, children ... My, does your Mom look young in this photo If you've told me that she was their bigger sister, and a middle sibling had taken this ptoto, I'd have fully believed you.

  2. I agree with MotherOwl and EC!

    I also agree with your label - there's never a dull moment when you have a two or three year old around :)

  3. Oh, they just nail the timing, don't they.

  4. I've forgotten most of what my kids came out with but I'll never forget the day my two year old pointed to a mannequin and told anyone in hearing range the undies were just like mummy's.

  5. The worst is when you tell a little white lie in order to spare someone's feelings and you child corrects you, not sparing anyone's feelings.


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