Friday, March 20, 2020

Watching the Cow

Don’t ask me how he got it,
(I don’t know anyway!)
But Bill Jones owned a golden watch,
‘Twas with him every day.

Then, one sad day, he lost it,
Out, somewhere in the plain.
Mid grazing cows and antelope,
And miles of golden grain.

For hours his household hunted,
(It was that dear, you see),
But none could catch one glint of gold,
Though all searched carefully.

The watch was not recovered,
And years all passed away,
At times, Ol’ Jones still pondered hard
‘Bout where it went that day.

Then, one day, took to market,
A grand old ‘herbivore’,
It was her time, the poor old dear,
To serve the carnivores.

The butcher soon discovered,
(With meat before him spread),
A glint of gold in the old girl’s gut,
(She’d clearly been well fed.)

The watch had been discovered,
And this I must admit:
Restored to the old farmer there,
When it’d be cleaned a bit.

Now the part that’s hard to ‘swallow’,
Is this part coming now . . .
For the golden watch was running true!
After years inside the cow.

Now how could this one object,
So miraculously found,
Survived the years down deep inside,
While keeping itself wound?

The experts speculated,
Their investigations done.
That the churning of the stomach there,
Had made the gold watch run.

Well, now you’ve heard the story,
As Dad told it to me,
Of farmer, cow and running watch,
Do you--like me--believe?


  1. Wellllll . . . having already witnessed, through your writing, your dad's sense of humour . . . all I have to say is, "maybe" :)

  2. I believe! Well, some of it anyway. . . I love that your dad's sense of humor lives on through you (and many of his stories too).

  3. A definite maybe from here. With reservations. But my too often cynical self would love to fall on the definite side of the equation.

  4. Reminds me of all those old Timex commercials...."takes a licking and keeps on ticking".

  5. A fun story--thank you for making me smile today!

  6. You have a never endig store of high tales to enjoy us all, I don't know if I believe, if it had been after a wiping off and a winding up then definitely yes, but who wound the watch in the cow's stomacs?

  7. It would certainly be treading into "miraculous" territory.


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