Saturday, March 21, 2020

An Education

School is memorable for so many reasons.
Friends. Enemies. Sports.
Life lessons.
The occasional chance bit of 'learning' that slips in and the teacher(s) who accidentally accomplish it . . .
In Lethbridge, Alberta in the early ‘40s, there a great teacher.
Young and energetic, he was one of those inspiring men with the enthusiasm and determination needed to pour knowledge into thirty-plus mostly-resistant heads.
One of which was my dad’s.
Every day, this teacher would painstakingly write out his lessons—filling the blackboard.
Then, just before the end of the period arrived, just as painstakingly review everything he had struggled so hard to put down.
And, every day, he would begin said review with these words: “Class? Watch the board while I go through it.”
Now, admittedly, to him, these words were supposed to suggest exactly what he said. The review was about to begin.
To his students, something far different was understood.
And they waited, day after day, for it to happen.
But never, in all the years this man taught my dad did he actually go through the board.
Because that would have been an education.


  1. I love today's label - exactly right :D

  2. A simple blackboard, pens & paper, hardback book---all that way needed then and now.

  3. "mostly resistant heads" is something I don't understand. Why are kids resistant to learning? They go to school because they are made to.
    I loved going to school and tried to learn, I really did. I just wasn't so good at it, until one year I had a couple of amazing teachers who knew how to teach and finally I understood geometry and even most of the algebra and science, it became fun, but sadly that year I was old enough to leave school and my dad said not to go. I'd been raised to do as I was told, so I left and got a job.

    1. That IS sad, River. It was a different time, wasn't it? And different families always have individual rules, which is hard when the rules keep children from taking advantage of good opportunities.

  4. How i loved (and still love) learning. Sometimes i enjoyed school, but learning, i was always up for that.


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