Monday, March 23, 2020

When Needed

Every time I have a need,
The good Lord sends a pet to me.
It’s true, It’s happened all my life,
Whenever life is filled with strife.

There’s Cheetah. Yes. She was my first,
In barking she was very versed,
It didn’t take long for it to pall,
Except when cougars came to call.

Then Mike, he of the size and hair,
Who followed us kids everywhere,
And when we six would swimming go,
He guarded us from friend and foe.

Then Muffy. Man I loved that dog,
Though she was bigger than a hog,
When I moved out, she came to stay,
And kept the bad guys all away!

Then Panda, Sheepdog number two,
She raised puppies—not a few—
And ran with me before the light,
And kept me safe throughout the night.

And now we’re in a time of trial,
With troubles gathered in a pile,
My Pandy (sheepdog number three),
Gives all the cuddles that I need!

You know, I given lots of thought,
To what’s important, what is not.
When I think of all the pets He’s given,
I must be loved by that Man in Heaven!

Cause Monday’s do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week being
With pleasant thoughts.
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, cause ‘writing’ is our ‘zen’
Come back, we’ll talk of writing then!


  1. They really do make all the difference in hard times.

  2. Our faithful companions - they make life brighter. Wonderfully written, Diane, and I'm impressed that you did it in such a short time!

  3. To be able to remember a pet and how it blessed your life is precious.


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