Tuesday, April 14, 2020

16 People Who...

1. A beautiful, loving, clever mother who took care of me and everyone else in my world.
2. A father who laughed and led. And also built ranches, raised cattle and horses and kids.
3. A big sister who loved me, even after I was responsible for her getting trampled/broken.
4. An oldest brother who patiently taught me how to drive the tractor, then bravely worked alongside.
5. A second big brother who was my friend/companion/champion during my long hopeless/stupid teenage years.
6. A younger brother who taught me what sunshine-of-the-soul meant. Cause he lived it.
7. A baby sister who brightened my every day with her joie-de-vivre. And notable monkeyshines.
8. A sweet Husby who taught me the real meaning of ‘forever’. Then gave it to me.
9. An oldest son who patiently taught me how to be a mother. In spite of me.
10. A second son who arrived with a wicked sense of humour. And the ability to apply!
11. A third son with a gentle soul who showed me how to care for the marginalized.
12. An oldest daughter who proved to me that handicaps don’t ever have to be a handicap.
13. A youngest daughter who showed me that courage can come in many various and hilarious forms.
14. A youngest son who has always finished. Even when it wasn’t something he wanted to do.
15. Precious grandchildren who steadily make me try to do more because they all think I can.

16. These are my people. Who make me believe in myself because they all believe in me.

Welcome to Word Counters!
Today my fellow Word Counters and I are sharing our monthly group post. The bloggers who are joining me this time all picked a number between 12 and 74 and sent it to our intrepid leader, Karen.
Karen gave the numbers out as assignments to other bloggers who are then challenged to write something (or a few somethings, as the case may be) using that exact number of words. Today we all share what we came up with.
My assigned number was 16.
A gift from my good friend Dawn at Spatulas on Parade
Want to read some more counters?


  1. And a whole lot of friends who are lucky enough to have gotten to know you too.

  2. Aww that's beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  3. Always give credit where credit is due. So many contribute to the legacy of one individual.

  4. What a tribute to family and friends. Thanks for sharing.

  5. And all your fans, who (I am positive) number more than Sweet 16.

  6. Wonderful! I had no idea you had six children, Diane! What a wonderful post and makes me think about who are my 16 people.

  7. Yours is the second blog today where my comment has immediately followed messymimi's = and where I have been in complete agreement with her.


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