Monday, April 13, 2020

My Favourite

My favourite lunch, oh, what to choose!
Deciding it, will me bemuse,
 I’ll (your assumptions) disabuse,
For certain, it will make the news!

That time we met down by the lake,
And dined—deluxe—on sirloin steak,
Then gorged enough eclairs and cake,
To give us both a bellyache!

Of maybe at that fried food place,
Where we ate chicken by the case,
With cobs of corn and chips to chase,
Both munching fast like ‘twas a race.

That Uncle Burger meal you bought,
With onion rings and gravy: hot,
And apple pie, we sought and got,
Washed down with the best shake, I thought!

You’ve taken me out for Chinese,
And Greek and Turk, Vietnamese,
And Swiss with lots and lots of cheese,
Each one has made me more than pleased!

So what to choose, I cannot tell,
Each was a coup of taste and smell,
And satisfied my need as well,
In diner, ship or grand hotel!

Then yesterday, you made for us,
A simple meal of fresh bread, plus
Some fresh tomatoes, sliced just thus,
And nothing else superfluous.

And I decided then, you see,
(I’m sure that you won’t disagree!)
My favourite lunch in this precis,
‘S the one that you make just for me!

‘Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts, perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

This week we talked of Lunches, true,
Next week our FAVOURITE SNACK. Woohoo!


  1. I too like diversity in my lunch (and dinner and breakfast and ...) But yes even thougt I like to eat out (do way too seldom), what hubby lovingly prepare is never amiss.

  2. Food, glorious food! I recognized those fast food places, by the way :D Often a simple lunch, made with care, is the best.

  3. My very favourite meal of all is any meal I didn't have to make or clean up after.

  4. You know I was never a big fan of poetry until I started reading yours!

  5. As it happens, garden tomatoes on excellent bread (and a smear of mayo) is one of my favorite sandwiches. It beats lots of gourmet meals.

  6. Sliced tomatoes and bread, divine.

  7. Hello. I've arrived at your blog via Procrastinating Donkey and I'm sure I'll be hopping over to your blog in the future to view your poems. I'm new to Poetry Mondays but just loving the musings, poems, funnies and banter. I am so impressed by your poem. I'm afraid I've fallen at the first hurdle - misread favourite Lunch and scribbled a quickie on favourite Food! (Although sometimes cake can also be my lunch.) Must try harder.

  8. It made me hungry, and made me end with the 'Awwww'. But this is so true, Diane. During this time of social isolation, (hopefully with loved ones), the most important thing is being there for each other. xoxo Stay safe!

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