Thursday, April 9, 2020


What do I remember?
Warm hugs and cuddles.
Clean clothes, clean sheets, clean house.
And wonderful, many-times-a-day food.
A superwoman who could leap tall buildings at a single bound. Or at least scale mighty towers to rescue an erring two-year-old daughter.
And also pull that same daughter from the slavering jaws of death dressed up as a Holstein cow who mistook said tot for something . . . threatening.
A midnight sewer. Because there simply wasn’t time to make her six children’s clothes in the light of day.
A gardener extraordinaire. And canner and preserve-er, ditto.
A woman who treasured the written word.
Pie-maker unequaled.
An extra hand in the corrals and at round-ups, despite all her other duties.
A game board enthusiast. Whose record for ‘Battleship’ still hasn’t been beat.
A holidaymaker and sewer of costumes.
A woman firm in her beliefs who would, with her hand tight in her husband’s, lead her family along the path of faith.
A person who laughed easily.
And encouraged constantly.
And who gave up a university education and a promising career as a baseball player to stay home and 'help out'.
Nurse. 5-star chef. Writer. Athlete. Wisewoman. Cheerleader. Math coach. rancher. Gardener. Teacher. Story-teller. Cuddler.
Mom went home 18 years ago today.
She was the light in my life.
She will be my light forever.


  1. That was the first, last, and only time I remember seeing her hands be still, was when she was laid down for her mortal rest.
    I swear, Gramma even knitted or sewed in her sleep!

  2. I too, will never forget that day. I remember Dad and I talking that Mom was nearing the end. Knowing that I'd need my suit cleaned I grabbed it and was about to head out the door when I saw heavy damage caused by one of the kid's cats. Every formal piece of attire was torn up. I phoned the suit store and told them the situation. They assured me that they would be ready. I drove to the place not knowing that they had moved. Found the new place and they were waiting. Got measured up, drove to the airport to pick up Anita and family, back to Moore's to get my suit, and back to Taber, just before Mom began the next leg of her journey. I was somewhat surprised that everything still fell into place despite the extra hurdles that were set in front of me. And Mom was able to at least have three of her kids there with her and Dad...

  3. And no matter how many years pass....we still miss them like crazy.

  4. An amazing woman, i am blessed to know of her, and to listen to stories about her from her daughter.

  5. I read your loving words about your mom and see a lot of the beauty of who you are in your description of her.

  6. This is a glorious tribute. I strongly suspect she didn't realise just how much she did, and how wonderful she was.

  7. What a precious woman, your mom, God bless her.

  8. She INSTANTLY claimed me as her Granddaughter when Jase and I married. She was my Angel when I thought my heart would break. Her shoulder welcomed my head when I needed it the most. And she came on a couple of occasions even AFTER she went home.
    If any ever want those stories. . .(435)253-0139.

    I love you Stringam's. . .I thank God I caught one of you for my very own!


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