Friday, May 1, 2020


What can I say of the sum: Forty-four?
How to describe? I've not been here before!
It follows behind Forty-three, it is true,
And lots of sums added together accrue,
At times you will find it in Times-table fun,
When using two, four and some others. And one.
It’ll cleanly divide if you use the right tools,
Just see above. And then follow the rules…
So what can I say of that number? It's fine?
It's solid? It's pretty? It's stately? Divine?
Well, to Husby and me, it's all the aforesaid,
Cause today, it's the years that we two have been wed!

Happy Anniversary, My Love!


  1. What a beautiful couple! It is 47 years for us, still surprises us.

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. I feel I'm late to the party, because we should have had a big bash to celebrate your 500th monthaversary back on New Year's Day 2018.

    Enjoy your 528th!

  3. When it comes to anniversaries, that is one big number!
    Happiest of anniversaries to you both.

  4. Haooy, happy anniversary. That's a lot of years!

  5. A VERY, VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both. And many more.

  6. Happy, happy, happy anniversary and many, many, many more!!

  7. Happy anniversary. It looks like it's been 44 years of fun.

  8. I am so happy for you. This is a wonderful accomplishment that not everyone achieves.

  9. Happy Anniversary, you two! You are clearly a great match. Wishing you many more years of happiness :)


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