Monday, May 4, 2020

Where Friendship Starts

To a globe trotter, I am wed,
His in-ter-ests are quite widespread,
And so this rancher girl has found
That, with her man, she gets around.

Our travels started out quite slow,
To those who spoke as us, we’d go,
But soon he wanted more: To get,
Our foreign travel toe-sies wet.

And so to Rhodes. He booked us there,
A hotel ‘near the Old Town square’.
‘Online’ was in it’s infancy,
And still had glitches, as you’ll see.

So when we told the taxi man,
He frowned while loading up his van.
But drove us far away from town,
Then stopped and took our luggage down.

The inn was nice, as we supposed.
Just one thing wrong, the place was closed.
We pounded on the door, in hope
We’d raise someone to help us. Nope.

The taxi’d started moving: slow,
Something was wrong, he had to know.
We ran and flagged him. Me in tears.
This trip was feeding all my fears.

His white teeth showed in a wide grin,
He stopped and helped us climb back in.
Then gently told us not to fret.
“I’ll have you settled soon, I bet.”

To ‘his cousin’s’ place, he said he’d drive.
(I was simply glad to be alive.)
He drove us to the Phaedra then,
So we could try and start again.

A man came out to greet us there,
All white of smile and dark of hair,
His arms were—to us—opened wide,
“Welcome home, friends! Come inside!”

The Phaedra proved a real God-send,
It’s owner, soon a trusted friend.
Ironically, it proved to be,
What we had sought originally.

We travel lots, my man and I.
We drive and sail and hike and fly.
Some people speak like us, and some
Use foreign words to get things done.

My fear is gone, I must admit,
Though, at first, it hampered. Quite a bit.
Cause I won’t forget (I can’t pretend),
The kindness of that first sweet friend.

Now years and years have passed on by,
I’ve friends who help me laugh. Or cry.
You know, what I’ve discovered is,
The best I have are reading this…

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we,
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought,
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Up here, we've started with spring showers
Next week let's talk our favourite flowers!


  1. Loved this, it really made me smile. And it's true - blogging friends and followers are something special.

  2. And a loud yes from here too. The warmth and the wonder of the blogosphere blows me away.

  3. "Some use foreign words to get things done" made me pause, I never looked at it this way - maybe because I tend to travel to placed where the words are not foreign to me.

    Thank you for a smile on Monday. It's almost bedtime around here.

  4. We travel lots, my man and ...well, you know we do! appreciate your prose and poems so much!

  5. I haven't read any poetry in a while so this was really nice to read!

  6. I loved this! Made me feel like I was on the trip with you!

  7. Awwww!

    When i traveled some, with tour groups, we always tried to say such events were "adventures."

  8. That was a wonderful friend to make away from home, and it's good you have that experience to bolster you when things go sideways now :)

    And yes, bloggy friends are wonderful. My life has been so enriched by finding this community!

  9. Love, love, love. You lived through my greatest travel fear!

  10. I envy your ability to poet!
    Great job.


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