Monday, May 11, 2020

My Favourites

I love to walk outdoors in Spring,
The air’s as sweet as anything,
The leaves turn green, the birds all sing.
And flowers fit for any king.

Their colours are resplendent then,
As they appear cross hill and fen,
The subject of the poet’s pen,
And sonnets by the wisest men.

My favourites? Well, that’s hard to say,
I must say tulips right away,
So crisp and clean, they bend and sway,
To brighten early springtime days.

And roses, well, they are a must,
With shades from white to blue to rust,
And daisies, pleasant blooms to trust,
Rise ever cheerful from the dust.

Impatiens, glads, to name a few,
And hollyhocks, begonias, too,
And lilacs, white or purple hue,
Yes, every one improve the view!

But other blossoms make me glad,
Though, at times, I may be sad,
Or, on occasion, even mad,
They’re still the best I’ve ever had…

Six of them I had, at first,
And as they grew, I thought I’d burst
With love for each one that I nursed,
And tended, kept from hunger, thirst.

Each one grew and multiplied,
I watched them all with tender pride,
As they spread through the countryside,
Attracting others alongside.

And though each grew like stately palms,
And faced both storms and times of calm,
Still I can say without a qualm,
My favourite flowers call me ‘Mom’.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help? 
Or did we not?


We’ve talked about where we have roamed,
Next week, the places we call HOME!


  1. THose flowers are the best. I agree. Wonderful poem.

  2. Lovely. Though the other blooms are all I can grow (with variable success).

  3. A surprise ending! I love it, Diane, and agree. What a great flower poem for Mother's Day!

  4. Awwww! Didn't see that coming. So sweet!

  5. Now that's an awesome poem for Mother's Day. Surprising ending!


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