Monday, June 29, 2020

A Little Bug-y

The theme for this Poetry Monday is BUGS.
I'm afraid I've done a bit of cheating today, owing to the fact that I spent a large slice of last week visiting doctors so they can hem and haw over my torn retina.
So, a little poem of mine,
Then my favourite 'Bug' poem.
Me and my one good eye thank you for reading...and listening!

It pro-bab-ly won't come to you as much of a surprise,
I don't like bugs, don't care their colours or their many eyes,
That is one reason Canada's the place that I call home,
The bugs are less and smaller here and less inclined to roam,
I do not find them in the cupboards, or upon my bed,
Don't find them crawling on the ceiling, don't take show'rs with dread.
My Son in Law is similar for his aversion, too,
When we were all on holiday, he caused a ballyhoo,
When his small daughter was affrighted by a centipede,
Whose many legs and six-inch length crossed the floor with speed.
Grabbing up a garbage pail, he beat that bug full sore,
T’was certain that it’d never threaten his girl anymore.
But I heard every ‘thump’ and must admit, it caused me glee,
Good thing he lives in Canada. With small bugs…just like me!

P.S. Don't ever threaten one of his kids...

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought . . .
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Ready for more?

Now, the expert . . .


  1. Diane, An adorable poem, as always. Hope your retina's okay! Feel better.

  2. Oh no, Diane - a torn retina is BAD. I hope they can repair it very quickly. I needed it done a few years ago - it's quick and effective. I just hope you get in the repair shop right away!

    And a great poem, as usual. Dads (and Moms) find courage they never had once they have kids, right? :)

  3. I hear you. My retina remains unfixed and more than a year later I still have those irritating flashes of light. I hope yours can be dealt with.
    I escort bugs outside. Carefully. Jazz eats them. Himself squishes them or drowns them in spray.

  4. Hoping you get a repair and quick healing. My sister in law had a similar surgery, I believe, with great success. I'll be thinking of you.

  5. Kudos on the fun poem, and i will be praying for your retina. Sweetie had retinopathy of prematurity, and a torn retina at age 18. He, of course, was blessed to ever even have vision, and he takes care of his eyes meticulously. We both know how precious and fragile our sight really is, i hope your doctors can repair it.


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