Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Here is my Mimi,
            Who wears a bikini
It’s painted, there's nothing at all can be done.
Over that, in a pair
            I put pink underwear,
(You have to admit that they're cute and they're fun.)

                                                So now my sweet Mimi
in her pinkish bikini
                                                Has pink underwear
Always found in a pair.

I think she’ll look pert
            In a white undershirt
That I dig out from under the bed.
Then what would look better
            Than a warm and soft sweater
In a pattern that’s yellow and red.

                                                Now look at Mimi,
her covered bikini.
                                                Still with underwear
That is there in a pair,
                                                And her white undershirt
that made her look pert,
                                                Till I hunted to get her
a warm and soft sweater.

Now what would be sweet?
            Why, some socks for her feet
And I think these bright green ones will fit,
Then to cover her knees
I need pants, I’ll try these:
They’re a truly remarkable shade of scar-let.

                                                Oh my little Mimi,
somewhere is her bikini,
                                                And then pink underwear,
Always there in a pair.
                                                And likewise her pert,
little white undershirt.
                                                Now she’s put together
with a cuddly sweater,
                                                And some awfully sweet,
bright green socks for her feet
                                                And where are her knees?
Under pants, if you please.

Now what’s left to do?
            Why a jacket of blue,
Yes! I found it right here on the door.
And some shoes that don’t match
            Notice, one has a patch,
They were under the chair on the floor.

                                                Wow, look at Mimi,
not a trace of bikini,
                                                Can't see underwear
Even though it's a pair.
                                                Or a peek of the white undershirt
which is pert,
                                                And now see her better,
 bright-colored, warm sweater,
                                                And even her sweet,
green, sock-covered small feet,
                                                And those pants, if you please,
that hide both of her knees,
                                                Are all covered - It’s true!
- by her jacket of blue,
                                                And the shoe with the patch
and the mate that won’t match.

Now with infinite care,
            I will cover her hair
With a hat so amazingly cute,
That it matches her clothes
            From her head to her toes,
While just nicely completing her suit.

                                                Now she’s finished, my Mimi,
with no sign of bikini,
                                                Beneath pink underwear,
That is there, in a pair.
                                                Also hidden’s her pert,
Nice and white undershirt,
                                                And her very much better,
Cuddly soft, knitted sweater,
                                                And also the sweet,
bright green socks on her feet,
                                                And her tiny, cute knees,
still in pants, if you please,
                                                With her jacket of blue,
and her shoes that aren’t true,
                                                And a hat, (it is said),
like a crown for her head.

But what did Mom say?
            Let’s go swimming today?
Why, the two of us better get set.
We must start right away,
            There’s no time for delay,
I can’t wait till we’re both getting wet!

                                                So off with the hat.
Make it sail, just like that,
                                                And the jacket of blue,
it can hit the wall, too.
                                                Then her shoes, so mismatched,
will be quickly dispatched,
                                                And now we see knees
as her pants hit the breeze,
                                                And discover her feet
as her socks meet the street.
                                                Soon we’re going to be wetter,
so let’s ditch the sweater,
                                                Then toss with our might,
the pert undershirt, white,
                                                And follow it there,
with the underwear pair,
                                                Till I just have my Mimi,
in her pinkish bikini.

Today is National Pink Day.
Let's celebrate!

Karen of Baking In A Tornado: Celebrate Pink with Pineapple Raspberry Sheet Cake
Dawn of Spatulas On Parade: Celebrate Pink with A Pink No Churn Ice Cream
Tamara of Par-time working Hockey Mom: Pink is the new Black


  1. I often wonder how your mind works (in a good way). Love this post, it brings back memories of the days when we'd spend a half an hour getting the kids ready to go out in the snow, just to have them declare they had to go to the bathroom. Bet you remember those days too.

  2. How do you do that?? Perfect!! I am amazed by your poetic prowess, as I often am, Diane!

  3. That could be in a child's storybook! I would've loved that as a kid. Love it as an adult too!

  4. What a colorful outfit - Mimi's story made me smile :-)

  5. That was an equally cute and fun read!


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