Monday, June 22, 2020

Stepping Forward

The first day of grade one, she’d been excited for a week,
But now the day was here and she was feeling rather bleak,
Her mama knelt beside her and she kissed the little cheek,
“Just step forward, dear, you’ll find the wonders that you seek!”

Her first time on the stage, again was frightened as could be,
Again, her mama hugged her tight, said,”Darling look at me!”
“You’ve practiced all your lines, you know them to the ‘nth’ degree,
“So just step forward, dear, and your success, I’ll guarantee!”

A few years on, once more she has to face a great unknown,
Marriage to her love and for the first time, leaving home,
Her mama smiled and took her hand and said, “My girl, you’re grown,
“So just step forward, dear. Be glad! You’ll never be alone.”

The years have passed, some good, some bad, and always, when there’s fear,
She hears her mama’s voice a’whispering softly in her ear,
“When there’s nowhere else to go, and you simply can’t stay here,
“Just step forward, dear, you’ll find your problems disappear.”

And now there’s a pandemic. Fear for all around her there,
She sees the ones who act with thought and those who simply glare,
She’s frightened. Sudden hears her mom say, “Darling, let them stare.
“And just step forward, dear. But wear a mask and be aware!”

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With Poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin 
With pleasant thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So all of us, together, we
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help? 
Or did we not?

From Baili and I, we’ve our topic today,
Pandemic, disturbing in ev-er-y way!
Next week (I think I’ll need a hug)
Cause we’ll all be discussing ‘Bugs’!


  1. Thank you for bugs. I feel rather more at ease with critters I can put my eyes on.

  2. Oh! So true, Diane! "Just do it" wasn't an original sentiment when Nike picked it up :D

    "Bugs" is a great topic; I've been battling all the flying and crawling ones as hot weather has hit. I don't know how they're getting in but it's exhausting trying to corral them all and put them back outside. lol

  3. Loved every minute of this and had goosebumps through most of it, reminded me of the book "love you forever".

  4. Nice one, Diane. Sometimes we need a gentle push to step up to the plate.

  5. This is so perfect, Diane. Reminds me of my own mother <3

  6. Love this! That little girl looks like a book I used to have as a young girl.

  7. Well done! You had a smart mom, and it shows.


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