Monday, October 26, 2020

Bottom's up!

To all my faithful readers, I have something to confess,
This poem is recycled, 'case this life's in such a mess!
Though some things are not hap'ning, there are others car'ying on,
And somehow those replacements make sure all my time is gone! ;)

Your Favourite Potable’s our subject and I must admit
My favourite drinks have morphed around. And not a little bit.
When I was young a chocolate milk would satisfy my wants,
And was the first thing ordered when we hit the restaurants.

From there, I guess I’d have to say that soda pop became
The chosen drink at movies or when cheering at the games,
In orange, grape or lime the flavours all would satisfy,
With na-tur-al ingredients (not one additive or dye).

Then Mountain Dew took over and I couldn’t wait to see
Who bottled it: from Ann and Bill to Harriet and Zee.
It claimed that it would ‘tickle yore innards’. So this I will state,
It seemed to make the grade and Wow! It tasted really great!

I must admit about that time, I started mingling things,
Discovered brand new tastes that mixing orange pop could bring,
Before you try to guess, I’ll take this time to clarify,
Swamp Water’s made with root beer—goes with Teen Burgers and fries!

From Seven-Up which took a hefty portion of my wealth,
I moved to fresh, fruit juices and their claims of ‘improved health’,
The juice of vegetables then beckoned. I was so surprised,
That I was drinking something I, in younger years, despised.

And now I stick to water. When I do, then nothing hurts.
And bodily functions can’t be weighed in ‘small’ or ‘mega’ hurtz.
No extra shots are needed from a glass or in the vein,
And no one bothers me or asks my actions to explain.
But . . .
I must admit that if I had my ‘druthers’, I would choose,
Another drink with calories, and not a hint of booze,
And strange enough, the one I loved from birth, now to my grave
Has followed me Full Circle. Again chocolate milk’s my fave!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With poetry, we all besought,
To try to make the week begin
With pleasant thoughts. Perhaps a grin?
So Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me
(And Karen for a special treat!)
We've posted poems that we have wrought.
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week, I hope we won't be frantic,
From Mimi, we've: A High School Antic!


  1. I always hated milk growing up (still don't like it) but oh, the addition of chocolate makes everything desirable.
    Thanks for letting me join in today!

    1. IT was SO fun to have you with us here, Karen! I so agree. Chocolate makes so many unpalatable things...palatable.

  2. I loved chokolate milk in my youth too, but can't drink it any more due to the lactose. And I remeber this poem from the first time around. It is still good.

    1. I'm reduced to stealing sips myself, Charlotte. Sigh. Thank you so much. I had forgotten it. It sure came in useful this week! ;)

  3. I am sorry that your life is challenging. And love your poem.

    1. You're an angel, EC! I think pretty much everyone's life is challenging right now, isn't it? At least I'm only dealing with demands on my time. And not with illness! ;)

  4. I don't know if your Chocolate Milk is the same as our Chocolate Milk Shake over here (with ice cream in the mix). I used to like milk shakes but my favourite was banana. A lot of those potables you mentioned I've never come across - Swamp Water and Mountain Dew sound interesting. Here's my list of Potables:

    I like coffee for ‘elevenses’
    After that I’ll stick to tea
    Except at dinner, then it is
    A glass of wine for me.
    If I’m at a party
    My choice of tipple’s gin
    And tonic, on the rocks, please -
    Just one, then I’ll abstain.
    In summer when the sun is hot
    And I’m sweltering in the heat
    A glass of ice cold water
    With mint and lemon is a treat.
    But in winter, when it’s cold and dank,
    Hot chocolate does the trick,
    Laced with brandy, topped with cream
    And with a cinnamon swizzle stick.

    It seems that all these potables
    Are favourites now and then
    But a good old English cuppa
    Always scores ten out of ten.

    1. Perfect poem, SBM! And perfect lineup! That hot chocolate sounds especially divine!
      I'm a huge tea drinker as well. Well...'tea'. Herbal infusions mostly, but hot and fragrant. Mmmm!

    2. Wonderful! While i do enjoy a good cup of tea, my Brother-in-Law is very rigorous about only buying English or Irish tea and making it just exactly right.

  5. I love chocolate milk! You’re making me crave it.

  6. Excellent! Yes, chocolate milk is a treat (although i make mine cashew milk or maybe almond). There's nothing like what we enjoyed in our younger years to stick with us.

    1. It’s almond milk for me now, Mimi. Oh, how times have changed! :)


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