Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fizzled Sizzle


“Our life needs more ‘sizzle’,”
Said Husby. To me.
And I wondered just what in the world could he mean?

So I went to the lexicon,
Searched the word there.
I admit that the things that I found made me stare.

It said ‘sizzle’s a hissing sound,
Water—hot steel.
Which happens whenever I’m making a meal.

It also suggested
To burn up or sear.
Sounds to me like a branding iron on a calf’s rear.

Or the hissing sound made
When burning or frying.
That happened last night. He thought something was dying.

And lastly, to seethe
With deep anger: resent.
Now I’m really unsure just what my Husby meant.

So to my dear friends,
Use a whisper. (Don’t shout.)
Can you tell me what life with more ‘sizzle’s’ about?


  1. Um, before i get myself into trouble, may i suggest asking him? He might have plenty of good ideas.

  2. Life with more sizzle usually means sex life with a little more excitement, perhaps some sexier underwear or sleepwear? Maybe invite him on a date night, dinner and a movie with just the two of you.

  3. Obviously you've got to start a cattle farm. Branding irons make the only real sizzle.

  4. If he thinks your life needs more sizzle, then it's half up to him to add more sizzle to it! A wife should be expected to do all the work adding that extra spice!

    1. Ha! I'm showing him this response, Lisa! :)

    2. Oops! A slight error in my comment! It should read a wife "SHOULD NOT" be expected! Boy, what a difference that little NOT makes!


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