Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Building. Or destroying.

 This is as political as I get. Because it is a politically important day.

 I live in the seventh-fastest growing city in Canada.
True story.
Of course, with the pandemic, that statistic may have slowed somewhat.
But only slowed.
During my thrice-daily walks, I still see a lot of construction. Houses. Businesses. Streets and infrastructure.
At one of the three schools near me, a portable fence was erected a couple of weeks ago. Then men and machines appeared and scrabbling began. Great heaps of earth were thrown up and men and smaller machines boiled about the site.
Finally, their project progressed enough that an actual structure began to take recognizable shape.
Ah. A future ice rink.
One of several that passed through city planning a few months ago.
As I stood and watched those men in their so-productive activities, I was suddenly reminded of something my dad said years (and years) ago.
“Louie,” he said.
He called me Louie. Just FYI.
“Louie, everyone in the world has a need to make their mark. The weak do it by destroying. The strong do it by building. You have to decide which you are. One of the weak? Or one of the strong.
Will you make your mark by destroying?
Or by building?”
I’ve often thought about Daddy’s wise words.
Because, of course, he wasn’t speaking strictly of things created with hammers and nails.
He was also speaking of relationships.
Of business models.
Of governments.
Of living.
On this day of days, when so much is being decided by my beloved brothers and sisters to the south, I am again asking my father’s question: Are you going to make your mark by destroying?
Or by building.
My prayers are with you.


  1. Your father was, of course, right, Diane. Sometimes, though, what was there has turned very ugly, or is blocking the sun and life around it has grown dark. That is what we are facing today in the US. Today we will choose which path we will go down and if wealth is more important than life.

    1. We live in interesting times, Arleen! I've never been so anxious for election results in my life! Wealth over life. You said it in a nutshell.

  2. A life lesson for us all. If I could (if you could) I'd proudly vote for Louie for president.
    Diane, your kind, thoughtful, piece is a bright light in the darkness. I'm proud to call you my friend.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Carol! I keep wondering what he would think if he were alive now. He passed away just five years ago...

  4. Oh Diane, Please pray for your American friends. We'll need all the help we can get. And what wise words from your dad.

    1. You definitely have my prayers, Laurie! I wish I could share his words with the world!

  5. Your father was so very, very right. As he so often was.
    Hooray for the builders. All of them.

    1. The builders keep this rickety world together. God bless them!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! It's lovely to have you visit!

  7. Thank you; the way things look, we need them.

    1. A few builders can make all the difference! Bless them!

  8. Your father was wise. If only everyone could hear those words before going in to vote.


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