Monday, November 2, 2020

More Than Learning

 I know you might find this one hard to believe,

But after grade three, teachers had a reprieve,

I followed the rules and did what I was told,

While others cut up, I’as not cheeky. Nor bold!

And so to my Dad, and his ‘doings’ gigantic,

I’ve had to resort for this week’s ‘High School Antic’!  

Dad and his Partner-In-Crime, Mom

Now my Dad, and his friends (not sure which the trailblazer),

Tried all sorts of shenanigans, (bunch of hell-raisers!),

From ‘car-theft’ at 10 to work-pranks at fifteen,

And lots more tomfooleries betwixt and between,

But one of my favourites pops up to the top,

In more ways than one, as you’ll see ‘fore I stop.

See, Dad was mechanical, and understood gears,

And had to support him a large group of peers,

The bunch of them (this is just how mischief spreads…)

Got a prank of significance into their heads,

Their high school headmaster was a man good and true,

Did his best for his kids, to them knowledge imbued,

He wasn’t a man of material means,

What he had was well-used, often mocked by his teens.

He had an old car, a ‘jalopy’ some said,

It had seen a few years, part alive and part dead,

Well, one day those boys, without much of a ‘think’,

Disassembled that car just as quick as a wink,

With wrenches and tools that they brought in from home,

Thus ensuring that old car would ne’er again roam,

Now your thoughts on this matter are surely allied,

Your thinking those boys needed well-warmed backsides,

Please know ‘fore you drag the switch out (to disproof),

The boys re-assembled it.

Up on the roof.


Cause Monday’s do get knocked a lot,

With POETRY, we all besought,

To try to make the week begin

With pleasant thoughts,

Perhaps a grin?

Jenny, Charlotte, Mimi, me,

Have crafted poems for you to see.

And now you’ve read what we have wrought…

Did we help?

Or did we not?


Next week, we’ve something you won’t hate

‘A Domestic Incident’ from Spike’s Best Mate!


  1. Oh my God! Now that's a prank! Did they have to disassemble it and bring it back down? So funny!

    1. Yes, they did, Laurie! Under the stern and watchful eye of the owner! :)

  2. That's pretty bold disassembling a car. But they must have known a lot about cars to put it back together.

    1. If it was like me, Rebecca, I'm really good at taking things apart. Putting them back together again in 'pristine order'? Not so much!

  3. Oh, dear. Let's hope they put it back together again back in the parking lot. Talk about some crazy kids!

    1. If it had happened today, I would have thought 'someone' had too much time on their hands! ;)

  4. That is some prank, and one to be well proud of! Did the boys disassemble it in due course, or is it still up there for posterity?

    1. Oh, they brought it down. Under the stern eye of the headmaster! ;)


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