Friday, December 18, 2020

Family Light


My Siblings
Mom's Family: The Bergs

Dad's Family: The Stringams

My Family

In our corner of the world, in winter, the nights are very long.

For a period of time, the street lights are coming on when the school children are just getting home.
And don't shut off until said children are safely back in class the next morning.
One does everything in the dark.
Early morning walks.
Paper routes.
Extra curricular activities.
You might think that it would be aggravating; having so few hours of sunlight during our 'waking' part of the day.
But I love it.
For a few months, Life seems to slow down.
Family comes home earlier.
And stays longer.
But I have one memory that makes the darkness . . . special.
Let me tell you about it . . .
On the ranch, meals were served like clockwork.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner appeared with amazing regularity.
And an equal amount of delicious-ness.
During winter, at least two of those meals were prepared and served with stars in the sky.
With the modern conveniences of electricity, this was not a handicap.
Mom worked with every imaginable electronic gadget.
In a brilliantly lit kitchen.
As the rest of the house darkened with the fading sunlight, the kitchen remained a beacon.
Calling to all of us.
As suppertime neared, I would shut off the lamp in my bedroom and, without stopping to turn on any more lights, walk quickly along the dark hallway.
And that's the part I remember most clearly.
Seeing the light flooding out of every doorway leading into the kitchen.
Moving from the dark into a world of light, fragrance, warmth.
And family.
Mom orchestrating and/or supervising numerous pots and kettles and children.
The rest of the kids gathering or already seated.
An evening of great food and wonderful company ahead of me.
Mom is gone, now.
My siblings scattered throughout North America.
But whenever I come from a darkened hallway into a lighted kitchen, I feel that same anticipation.
That same joy I first felt over fifty years ago - and that time and life experiences cannot fade.
Stepping from darkness into light.
The light that is family.


  1. What a perfect message for this time, when so much negative is swirling around us constantly. Our family is the light. Always!
    PS: And friends are pretty great too. Glad you're one of mine.

    1. I just have to agree! So glad you are in my close circle! :)

  2. This is so beautiful. It made me want to cry. Thank you. Alana

    1. Memories are just like that, aren't they, Alana?! And thank you!

  3. Wow, these are some beautiful family memories, thank you for sharing!

  4. Awwww this is so beautiful, Diane. LOVE the family photos, too!

    1. Thank you, Marcia. Not a patch on the ones you've shared, but a start! ;)

  5. That is a beautiful memory. When I was very little, 6 and under, we had a long hallway leading into a warm kitchen/family room, with a fireplace at one end and the wood burning kitchen stove at the other end. Best room in the house!

    1. Oh, I love it, River! Definitely the best room in the house!

  6. So well told and beautiful, like everything you write.


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