Monday, December 21, 2020



They call it ‘Winter Solstice’. It’s a fancy name for sure,

It has all sort of meanings—some are common, some obscure,

Occurs when one of Earth’s two poles is furthest from the sun,

Which causes light at one end: darkness for the other one.


The march of days leads to or from. It happens once a year,

In late June for those living South, December for us here,

Though it truly lasts a moment, people celebrate all day,

With festivals and parties (and a chance to go astray?).


There’s some believed this solstice was the sign of sun’s rebirth,

Cause from that moment on, the days grew longer here on earth.

A very special moment, something major, a benchmark,

It doesn’t matter what they say…to me, it means it’s dark!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With POETRY, we all besought,

To try to make the week begin

With pleasant thoughts…

Perhaps a grin?

So JennyCharlotteMimi, Me

Have crafted poems for you to see.

And now you’ve read what we have wrought…

Did we help?

Or did we not?

Next week's the last one of the year!

It has been one of dread and fear,


Ignore the chaos 'fore us spread,

Let's hear all our 'RESOLVES' instead.


  1. Something does feel spiritual about the shortest day of the year... and the longest. We're supposed to get some sort of rare star tonight or some kind of alignment that hasn't happened in hundreds of years. I'll have to check it out!

    1. It was far too cloudy for us to catch a glimpse. :(
      But we got to see pictures! I'm all for the 'longest day of the year' celebrations. 'Longest night of the year'? Not so much! ;)

  2. A lovely poem - and it hadn't occurred to me that for the southern hemisphere it would be a time of summer solstice.
    I regret there is no poem from me this week as, with our new strain of Covid and the problems that has brought us all for the Christmas holidays, I have had to devote my time elsewhere this week. However, I've just tuned in to thank you so much for your support of my poetry efforts this year, and to wish you and your family a really happy and peaceful Christmas. Let us hope that 2021 be a much better year for everyone!

    1. A new strain of COVID?! Whaaaat?! Ohmyword. You definitely are excused. We'll miss you this week, but definitely look forward to your joining us in the future! I wish for you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!

  3. I'm planning to be mindful and to honor this night. All the dark hours of it.

  4. Yes, it's damn dark these days, but slowly it will get lighter. And I think here in the USA, we will feel that even more profoundly. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Diane.

    1. There IS light ahead, Beth! And a very merry Christmas to you as well!

  5. Wonderful poem. Yes indeed it's dark! Here's hoping for brighter days to come!

  6. Excellent poem, with a great last line!

  7. It may be dark for you, but you have the summer solstice to look forward to.


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