Monday, December 14, 2020


My daughter works in theatre,

A carpenter. It’s true.

She’s very good at what she does,

Is always in demand because,

You seldom see her make faux pas,

Excels with nails and glue.


And you should see the things she builds!

They’re miracles, I swear,

A whole apartment on the stage,

An office, ship, a courtroom, cage,

‘Sets’ the scene for joy or rage,

All built with skill and care.


We’ve witnessed her artistic bent

In her own life as well.

Her décor can be called ‘unique’,

A mix of modern and antique,

With personality and ‘cheek’,

In vivids and pastels.


And better, yet, are holidays,

The artist does emerge,

With graves dug deep in our front yard,

Or lights with which our house is starred,

Or one enormous greeting card,

You see her talents surge!


But none are much more obvious than,

Her homes of gingerbread,

There’s never a bucolic scene,

Where lights and candles softly gleam,

And icing, trees and rooftops preen,

And only JOY is spread.


Instead, we have a ‘what we’d see’

If disasters hit:

An earthquake leaves you in the lurch,

With flames, a building is besmirched,

A Christmas train through a Christmas church,

Unusual, you’ll admit!



If homes of gingerbread you make,

And just want something sweet,

Even though your kids are bright and kind,

Fantastic at what they’ve designed,

To THEATRE, if they’re inclined,

Just stick with Trick or Treat!

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,

With POETRY, we all besought,

To try to make the week begin

With pleasant thoughts…

Perhaps a grin?

So JennyCharlotteMimi, Me

Have crafted poems for you to see.

And now you’ve read what we have wrought…

Did we help?

Or did we not?

Next Monday's shortest of the year,

We'll see if we can find some cheer,

So come and celebrate with us,

The Winter Solstice, we'll discuss!


  1. What a great brain exercise these poems are!

    1. I absolutely love it, Carol! I find I need outside motivation these days. What happened to the self-starter I used to be only ten months ago? ;)

  2. Did they try to eat a wooden gingerbread house or what happened? Or did your daughter put up a very modernistic, almost post apocalyptic gingerbread house?
    I normally enjoy your verse, but this time, I must admit that you lost me in the end.

    1. I'm quite sure she would like to try either, Charlotte!
      But, No. She just takes the usual 'gingerbread house' components and then destroys them. She'll build a 'normal' little house with candies and sparkles and then run a dumptruck (figuratively speaking) through it. personally, I think her efforts would be more suited to Halloween (her favourite holiday!). I guess that's what happens when you build sets for a living! ;)

  3. Is there no limit to your family's theatricals! Whatever you turn your hands to, you manage to have a store of material for your poems. No wonder you write so well.

    Here's mine - sadly, I'm not as talented with gingerbread as your daughter is.

    Oh No, Not A Gingerbread House!

    A gingerbread house doesn’t rate very high
    Upon my Christmas Food list;
    It’s a treat to taste one
    But ask me to make one
    And I’ll find an excuse to resist.

    Firstly, the baking of so many parts
    Needs a definite eye for precision
    And it’s quite apparent
    That this special talent
    Does not exist in my kitchen.
    Even presuming the walls and the roof
    I could bake to a ‘passable’ standard,
    To prop them and glue them
    With a sticky solution -
    Well, just don’t ask a cook so ham-handed!

    Okay, so you may get a building (of sorts)
    In need of some fine decoration
    With icing and silver balls -
    But snow and long icicles
    Need piping with high concentration.
    And fineness doesn’t flow from these fingertips,
    All you’d get is splatters and dollops;
    If it’s perfection you need
    Look elsewhere ‘cos indeed
    My own artwork is like Jackson Pollock’s!

    So with regret I say No! to a gingerbread house,
    I’ll not make one, I tell you no lies:
    I’m happy to eat one,
    Just don’t ask me to bake one -
    It’s best if I stick to mince pies.

    1. Hahahaha! Priceless! I am totally in your boat, SBM! I'm not a baker...just an eat-er!

    2. That is us! No gingerbread houses built here, they fall apart and get eaten before they are together.

    3. Haha, yes I also would have eaten too much of it bvwefore I was done building. That's why I'm so happy fir building children. Fun verse.

  4. Your daughter sounds so talented! Does she make house calls? Asking for a friend.

    1. Bwahahaha! I don't know if your 'friend' would like her 'house' calls! ;)

  5. This reminds me of the late cartoon strip Calvin and Hobbs and the snowmen Calvin used to build.....

    1. Exactly right, Alana! We were huge Calvin and Hobbes fans. Hmmm...I think something rubbed off!

  6. Your daughter sounds like she's got quite a sense of humor and her own taste in everything, a lot like our Bigger Girl.

    Solstice will be a fun topic, and the other day i started composing poems of what the dog might be thinking while we were walking. Maybe someday we could do poems from the point of view of a pet, just for a change.


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