Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Toddler Painting

 The day started out normally enough.

Babies playing quietly while I snatched a couple of minutes online to look at drapes.
“Hmmm—the green or the teal?”
It had taken days to narrow my choices down to these two and my husband’s frustration with me was growing. “Make a choice. Any choice! If you don’t like them we’ll send them back. Need I remind you the neighbours can see into our bedroom when the lights are lit? And no, I don’t want to keep on shutting them off. The lights, not the neighbours.”
He was right. I wouldn’t admit that to his face, but I will to you.
I sighed. Green. Or Teal?
Feeling a bit parched from my time perusing, I decided a nice cup of herbal tea would be in order.
As the water was heating, I suddenly realized that I hadn’t been hearing anything from my toddlers for the past minute.
Silence is golden. But in a toddler, it’s suspicious.
I quietly moved toward the living room where they had been playing.
If they were happily engrossed in something harmless, I did not want to draw their attention. Then I’d have to entertain them.
And my drapery decision would be put off just that much longer.
I stopped in the doorway. Both of them were on the couch and I could just see the tops of heads. They looked all right. Happily engrossed in something.
Could I leave them alone for a while longer? I took a step back toward my kettle and future cup of tea.
Then, something told me to look a little closer.
I still tried to walk quietly, figuring I could just peek over the couch without them knowing. I moved nearer.
And that’s when all thought of leaving them on their own or drapes or decisions went right out of my head. In fact, everything went out of my head.
Because my toddlers had been busily--happily--engaged.
Little baby hands painting each other with diaper cream.
I admit it, I screamed.
And ran.
Did I scramble for cleaning supplies? Wipes? 
A fire hose?
My camera.
You understand. This needed to be recorded.
For the slide shows at their weddings.
And posts on Facebook.
Yeah. I’m on it.


  1. Oh, this definitely needed to be recorded. And while you're shopping for new drapes, you may want to add in a couch.

  2. Oh, my. That's a new one. It's less dramatic than when they give themselves a haircut. It's great that you got a photo.

  3. An excellent photo. And yes, quiet children NEED to be checked on.

  4. TOO cute. One even has a Phantom of the Opera type mask! At least the diaper cream was more or less the color of the couch.

  5. I wish I'd had a camera 47 years ago when the neighbour children covered my toddler in sunscreen cream, even her hair.

  6. Heeheehee! That photo is a treasure.


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