Monday, March 29, 2021

On a Stick

Each week, we search for something new,

A matter that would interest you,

When searching topics thin or thick,

We thought of of ‘Something on a Stick’.

Now what would you imagine we

Could find as poet wannabees,

To rhyme with ‘stick’ and manage, still,

To find those things this topic fills...


First, some things, as kids we loved,

The foods that on a stick were shoved,

Like hot dogs, cookies, pudding pops,

Corn on the cob was always tops,

Some cotton candy. Meatballs, yes!

Truly those things were the best!

And cheesecake pops, bananas—froze

(I'll make some. Come for one of those!)

Then waffles, pancakes, fried cheese, too,

And lollipops to name a few.

As adults, we all still indulge,

The trouble now? These make us bulge!

Like things on skewers, bacon, fish,

Or shrimp. Or sushi, if you’d wish,

Kebabs are fun. And PBJ,

(Sand-wiches made a different way!)

Some grapesicles or other fruit,

A skewered salad can be cute,

Some turtle pops, or some grilled cheese,

Some chicken tenders if you please,

All are yummy, cold or hot,

Some homemade and some store-bought,

Yep. ‘Finger foods’. Don’t you agree

That fork-free is the way to be? 

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week our poems should be a snap,
We'll talk of reading a road map!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks...
Something on a Stick Day (March 29) Today!
Read a Road Map Day (April 5)
Favorite invention (From Mimi) (April 12)
National Garlic Day (April 19)
The ocean or beach (From Mimi) (April 26)
The best thing about spring (From Mimi) (May 3)


  1. Love Poetry Monday and also any food on a stick!

  2. You would be in heaven at the IOWA STATE FAIR!!

  3. Yes, love food on a stick. When I was young, one of my favorite ice cream novelties was something we called Push Ups. Those,ice cream pops, and popsicles (especially the ones with two sticks not one)...oh, you have brought back some great childhood memories.

  4. Being fork free solves a multitude of problems.

  5. Fork Free is Fabulous! Well done.

  6. That's brilliant, Diane, and so many things on a stick that I have not tried! As usual, I thought 'singular' rather than a list, and concentrated on only one goodie from my childhood ...

    “Come on, little Lady, get your coat on quick
    Today we’re going hunting for Something-On-A-Stick.”

    Daddy took my hand as we went out to the street
    The seagulls were a-screaming and the air was salty-sweet.
    As we walked along the promenade Daddy set a pace
    That got me quickly trotting ‘til I had a rosy face.

    “Where are we going, Daddy?” “Aha!” he said with glee
    “We’re looking for some horses dancing by the sea.”
    As we turned onto the pier a roundabout I spied
    With multi-coloured horses galloping with pride.
    Up and down on twisted poles the horses pranced and danced
    In a circle round and round. I was so entranced!

    Daddy lifted me onto ‘Charlie’, a fine and handsome horse
    And said, “The reason we are here is to find that stick, of course.
    So whilst Charlie here is dancing you must keep a sharp lookout
    For Something-On-A-Stick - if you see it, give a shout.”

    Up and down and round and round my handsome Charlie spun.
    I was so excited, I was having so much fun.
    Then as the music faded and Charlie started to slow down
    I saw a lady with a stick that she was twirling round
    In a large drum-like container that held a pink and fluffy cloud.
    And as she pulled the stick out I shouted “Daddy!”, really loud.
    “I can see a lovely lady, and we must find her quick
    ‘Cos she’s got something pink and fluffy, wrapped round a magic stick!”
    My face was red and sticky, my lips were tell-tale pink
    When we got back to Mummy. Daddy gave her a sly wink.
    She asked “Have you been eating candyfloss? My goodness, you’ll be sick!”
    “No, Mummy it wasn’t ….. what you said,

    1. Oh, SBM, this is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! What a 'sweet' perfect memory!

  7. Thank you, Diane. I really enjoyed writing this one. I've just checked, and yes I'm right - tomorrow is my first anniversary of submitting poems for Poetry Mondays! So may I say a heartfelt Thank You to you, Charlotte and Mimi for making me feel so welcome here. I haven't managed to write a poem every week, but I have written a creditable 46, and have had so much fun. Many thanks, and here's hoping I'll manage to keep going for another year.


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