Saturday, May 15, 2021

Being Smart


It was a glorious day.

Barb and her four-year-old grandson, (hereinafter known as GS) had spent their precious time together visiting. Laughing. Playing games.

And the all-important ‘thing-I-want-to-try-most-Gramma!’, baking.

Chocolate chip cookies were largely indicated.

There was just one tiny problem . . . Gramma was out of chocolate chips.


Not to be discouraged, Gramma and GS made a second, even more thorough, search of the ‘normally chocolate-chip rich’ cupboards.

Same result.

What to do? What to do?

“Hmmm . . .” Gramma said. “I do have these!” She held up a package of Smarties.

(Side note: For those of you not from Canada, Smarties are a handy-dandy little treat consisting of chocolate encased in a ‘melts-in-your-mouth-not-in-your-hand’ colourful candy coating. Yummmy! And Also: at the telling of this story, ‘Smartie Cookies’ were not yet a ‘thing’.)

GS looked at them a little dubiously.

I mean, he loved them as a treat, but in cookies?

Unheard of.

Gramma shook the package. “Eating them will make you smarter!”

He smiled.

Discussion won.

The two got busy and a short time later, mounds of sweet-smelling cookies were emerging from the depths of Gramma’s cavernous oven.

Gramma set a plateful on the table and she and GS pulled up their chairs. Each grabbed a warm cookie and took that first, highly-anticipated bite.

‘Hey!’ Gramma thought. ‘I think we’re onto something!’

GS chewed and swallowed. His eyes widened. “Gramma!” he whispered loudly. “I feel smarter!”

Hmmm . . . just a thought, but maybe we could make these and distribute them widely.

I know a few of us could certainly use them!

Recipe available on request . . .



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