Sunday, November 14, 2021

Third Best

Once again, it’s my turn to host my amazing blogging buddies.
So many good things here!

Carol Cassara

Sitting over a cup of coffee the other day, Carol Cassara considered how the world's changed over the past two years. She's always tried to see the best in everyone, but these days, she is finding compassion for some hard to come by, as she reveals in her short post "How I'm Falling Short of My Aspirations, These Days"

Money is one of those subjects we don’t discuss in polite society. But the other day Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles found herself doing one of several bizarre cash rituals and wondered if anyone else did them. (Already, as she lists these, she imagines the look of horror on her husband Randy’s face).

To get ready for her holiday company, Rita spent the afternoon – and into the evening – organizing her garage. Why?

Have you ever thought about writing a children’s book? Diane Campbell Green did but what is unique about it is that it’s written about childhood memories that most of us Baby Boomers can relate to.  
The Sparkling Adventure of Becky and Friends.

Decluttering, painting, new floors, this is what Meryl Baer of Bech Boomer Bulletin is going through. Two bedrooms are now clean, spacious, light and airy. Now she must sift through boxes of stuff packed away before the work began and decorate the rooms. However she is currently prone on her couch nursing a bad cold, as she describes in this week’s post, Confined with Clutter.

There was a birthday to celebrate last Monday, as Jennifer of Unfold and Begin turned 60 with a reflection back on all the new things that she tried in As So This is 60.  

Tom from Sightings Over Sixty has consulted the experts to discover the single most important factor influencing happiness and well-being in retirement. Check out his post to find out other answers to What Makes Us Happy in Retirement?.

A trip to the UK 20 years ago to view travel museums as part of her Husby’s work changed Diane’s life.

Thank you SO much for joining us!
I hope you enjoyed your visit as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you!


  1. Bloggers I know, bloggers I don't know (but now I want to know them.) Thank you for giving some shoutouts to wonderful bloggers!

  2. There's always more great stuff to discover!

  3. I love your format this week, Diane! Thank you!

  4. Some of these look interesting. I'll check them out.

  5. Thank you, Diane! Always fun to read...


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