Thursday, March 31, 2022

Early Spell-Checker

Speller extraordinaire
Speller less extraordinaire

Our second son is, in many ways, like his father.
It's a good thing.
One of the most notable is his ability to spell.
Anything. Any time.
It's a gift.
I should mention, here, that I don't have this gift.
Enough said . . .
It was the early 80's. My brother, Blair, was working on his Bachelor's degree in Engineering.
We had a computer.
Which he visited.
Our computer was in our eight-year-old second son, Erik's room.
Blair would work there by the light of a single lamp. We would hear the clicking of the keys late into the night.
On this occasion, Erik was supposed to be sleeping.
He wasn't.
Occasionally, the keyboard sounds would stop and I would hear the brief sound of voices.
Then the clicking would resume.
Finally, Erik came out of the room, needing a drink of water.
I was tidying the kitchen.
He moved close to me.
"Mom," he whispered. "Uncle Blair can't spell."
Ah. The occasional sound of voices was explained. Blair was consulting with his spell-checker.
It must have worked because he went on to achieve a doctorate in Engineering.
Okay, I admit that today's sophisticated spell-checker programs are probably more efficient and more easily accessible.
And don't need their sleep.
But none of those programs have personality. And certainly aren't as cute.
Yep. Progress isn't always progress.


  1. Spell check has its limitations. A good speller has no limitations. I was (and remain) a not extraordinary speller, too.

  2. How cute is this? Well, I won an 8th grade spelling be. I think it was 8th.

  3. I like the old-fashioned spell checkers better. And they do not make mistakes like exchanging whit for with and suchlike ;)
    Old fashioned spell-checker I am (but not in English!)

  4. Give me my unabridged dictionary any day. It's such fun to look things up and make sure you've gotten them right that you get lost in reading word orgins, or is that just me?

  5. I sucked at spelling until I got into high school, haha! Totally relatable!


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