Wednesday, March 30, 2022


March goes. A wave good-bye, she earns, 
And April comes, and hope returns
That soon we'll see some warmth and sun
And know that springtime has begun.
When colour will return anew,
And leaves come back and flowers poke through.
The grass turn green. The song of bird
Throughout the warming air be heard.
When soft and pristine breezes blow,
And places, then, to see. And go.
The doors and windows, closed so long,
Are opened wide to catch Spring's song . . .
It's here, you know, that airy Spring,
When bells ring out and songbirds sing,
There's warmth and joy and sunlight's gleam
And spring has sprung--cause I can dream.

Ready to set sail . . .

Someday . . .
P.S. According to my son, Erik, these are the seasons of Canada:
- Winter
- Fool’s Spring
- Second Winter
- False Spring
- Third Winter
- Spring?
- Thought It Was Spring, But It Was Winter Again
- Muck
- Spring
- Summer (1 week, while you’re at work)
- Mosquitoes And Potholes.  Also Wasps
- Fall
- Winter?
- We’re Damned Lucky That Fall Has Lasted This Long
- Winter


  1. Oh what a wonderful poem. THat's exactly how I feel today looking out on SNOW! on my newly dug beds.
    Are you sure your son is not a Dane in disguise? That's our seasone as well - only Danish winter is more the "... snow? no! Rain, rain, rain and wind. Myrky, dreary, rain, cloudy. ... snow tomorrow? - no, more rain"-variety

  2. We are moving into Autumn here, and I am loving it. A season of arboreal fireworks and (usually) sunny days and cool nights. Bliss. I hope that Spring stops flirting with you and settles down.

  3. Is there anything more wonderful than spring? Love your poem, as always.

  4. We have a similar saying here about the seasons, and we continue to hope for spring, too.

  5. Beautiful poem! May spring be there for you very soon. You have two seasons, winter and road repair, we have two seasons, summer and February (or hurricane and wet, depending on whom you ask).

  6. I love spring, too. Fortunately, we don't get snow very often here in the Seattle area. We do get a lot of rain.

  7. The seasons according to your son are hilarious! Enjoy spring - for as long, or as short a time, as it lasts.

  8. Living in Florida, I have summer, high summer, the worst ever summer you can imagine, summer, ah...tricked you, it's high summer again, fall/spring (they happen back to back rather quickly) summer.


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