Friday, April 29, 2022

Jam Dreaming

 I miss jam, I truly do,

Though there are jars (and not a few),

In every grocery store that you

Would ever chance to wander through.

Most with lids that you unscrew

And lined up in a great, long queue,

In colours red (to shades of blue),

Made with fruit (and veggies, too),

And even flowers someone grew,

So, why this ‘I miss jam’ ado?

Do I those ‘store-bought’ jams eschew?

I’m sure they’re tasty, fresh as dew,

And sugar-sweet and good for you,

But just read on, I’ll leave a clue,

So you won’t think that I’m cuckoo…

My Mom made jams from things she grew,

I ate them all, I loved them, too,

So why do I miss jams to chew?

Did Mom’s the others all outdo?

Were hers the famous 'jam break-through'?

So much so, I cry 'boo-hoo',

It’s really Mom I’m missing. True! 

Each month, our Poetry Group receives a challenge: Make poetry--on a theme.

And we do.

This we do for fun!

Go and see what my friends have created!

BakingIn A Tornado 



  1. So much we didn't realize, while we were growing up, that we should have appreciated more.

  2. This is so true. There is a coffee cake my Mom made - from a cake mix. The mix is no longer made and I miss it so much. Or, should I say, her.

  3. You made a poem very true - and told about the thing moms do!

  4. Mom and wild strawberry jam. She would send me out to pick wild strawberries. Picking took so long, and then we had to make the jam. And then we had to hide the jars so only we could eat them.

  5. From the stories you've told, i miss your mom and her cooking and her home-made jam and i never even met her!


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