Sunday, April 10, 2022

My BFFs of the BBBs

Once again, It's my turn to host the Best of Boomer Bloggers! This week, this amazing group of writers takes us through the garden of delights that is customer service, things they wished they had said, April creativity, retail company scorecards, a lobster supper, Griffith Park, the Grammys, and imperfections.
And the best part? I get to hang out with them!
So go ahead. Give my BFFs of the BBBs a read!

Let's start with Carol Cassara...
Over on Carol Cassara's blog, she's talking about the decline in customer service. You have probably asked the same question she does in her post, How DidCustomer-centric Behavior Become Obsolete?

Then Laurie Stone...
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but the words never came? Maybe you were embarrassed or got busy, but the moment didn’t arrive. And then it was too late. And you have regrets. This happened to Laurie Stone. Here are 6 things she wishes she had told Joyce, her mother-in-law.

There's a new creativity challenge for April.  Jennifer, of Unfold and Begins, continues the fun with a focus on having fun with creativity. All of the creativity prompts this month focus on fun and play. But let's not forget about having fun withcreative self-care as well.

Consumers can use scorecards showing which retail and clothing companies are doing the best job eliminating PFAS – “forever chemicals” that contaminate air, water, and consumer products – from clothing. The scorecards were developed by the Natural Resources Defense Council, Fashion FWD, and the U.S. PIRG EducationFund.

And Meryl Baer...

This week Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin enjoyed a lobster feast - cooked in her kitchen. This week’s post, Lobster - it’s Whats for Dinner - include pictures of the before and after cooked crustacean. 


Rebecca Olkowski...

Rebecca Olkowski with has another blog for local travel in Los Angeles. She recently wrote about all the things you can do in Griffith Park, which is the second-largest city park in California. If you plan on visiting LA in the future, please check it out.

And Tom Sightings...

Tom from Sightings Over Sixty is not particularly a fan of the Oscars, but he does like The Grammys. Tune in to New Faces, New Voices to hear a review of some of the latest music acts, and find out when and where you can see them next time.


And me!

On Mondays, Diane Stringam Tolley at On the Border hosts a 'Poetry Monday' challenge, based on a theme. This week, the topic was IMPERFECTION. Hmmm...what to talk about? In a world where so many are happy to point out the imperfections in others, Diane decided to point out her own. In rhyme...


  1. Blogs well worth a read. You've given a shoutout to Carol's blog a number of times, and the post you linked to was one I missed. I've taken care of that now. These bloggers all work hard, and deserved your shoutouts.

  2. Nice job on the roundup this week. Thanks so much.

  3. These all sound more than worth the time, i simply hope i can find some. Time, that is.

  4. This week it's like a great meal--so much good stuff!

  5. Nice job this week. Great picks from everyone!

  6. Thanks for doing this Diane. Great stories.


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