Monday, April 11, 2022

Through Their Eyes

This is a poem from a year ago.
I think it suits as well now as it did then! ;)
My sweet Pandy-girl. Who saves me every day.

Do you ever wonder what fur babies think?

When they’re around us, do they reckon we stink?

If we’re standing there, naked, and they stop and stare,

Are they wondering how we stay warm with no hair?

And rolling in things that we people condemn,

Do they snigger and smile cause there’s more just for them?

When we throw a ball for them, day after day,

Do they shake their heads wond’ring how it gets away?

When we go for a walk, are they just helping out,

Making sure that we’re healthy while moving about?

And watching us eat with those big, solemn eyes,

Do they simply ensure that no problems arise?

When we stare at a screen for the hours on end,

Are they thinking, “You’re rotting your brain, my dear friend!”

When they poke with the nose or lay down on the keys,

Are they saying that we need a break? (If you please!)

And when they refuse to respond when we call,

Merely pointing out what we would do, is banal?

Do they spend their lives trying to make us behave?

With the hope that so doing will Master’s life save?

Extending their lives with our caring and fuss…

Have you thought that they’re doing the same thing to us?

Photo Credit: Karen of
Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

If Juggling turns your crank a bit,
Come back next week, it’ll be a hit!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks (with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Pets (April 11) Today!

Juggling (April 18)

Brothers (April 25)

Babies (May 2)

Music (May 9)

Purple for Peace (May 16)

Turtles (May 23)

Memorial Day (May 30)

Yo-yo (June 6)

Roller Coaster (June 13)

World Refugee Day (June 20)

The Happy Birthday song (June 27)


  1. The poem was lovely but the dog is GORGEOUS! We had a dog (sheep dog)when I was a kid. I think is that the same thing?

    1. Yep. Totally a sheepdog! I love them!
      and thank you! ;)

  2. I see dogs walking their people all the time and wonder who is the master and who is the pet.

  3. When you love a dog and they love you back, there is a seal, a promise there. It's real. It makes you smile.

  4. What a great question ... and Pandy is a beautiful girl.

  5. Loved this so much! What is it about the eyes of animals that's so beautiful?

  6. A partnership with an animal is a wonderful thing. Your fluff pup is gorgeous. But now my dog is jealous because I've never written poetry about him.

  7. When we stand there picking up their mess, you know who is in charge. Excellent poem!

  8. RV the Cat was a part of our traveling life for a very long time. He was totally black and disappeared on Halloween eve. Neighbors looked for him high and low. He was a much loved eccentric creature. Thank you for the prompt.

    1. I needed to include a link...sorry about that.


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