Monday, October 31, 2022

A Crow’s Cawse

Okay. I have to admit that crows aren't my favourite feathered creature.
But they are fun to put in a rhyme and as today is Halloween, an apt topic!
Here we go . . .

crow emerges from the mist,
Its blazing eyes can’t be dismissed,
I wonder as I have before,
What did he get his bad rap for?

Did he miss eating all his greens?
And then quit cawlege in his teens?
Drink too much cawfee in his life?
Forget to caw his loving wife?

Perhaps his drinking went too far,
Spent too much time at his crow bar.
No visits from ol’ Santa Caws,
For frequent and diverse faux pas?

Did his cawstume-wearing e’er portend
An inclination to offend?
And did his friends all scream ‘foul play!’
When they met to play crowquet?

The cawking did our bird eschew,
When fixing plumbing old and new?
And did he horrify his Folks
With cawnstant telling of bad Jokes?

When meeting his light-feathered friend, 
Call him cawcasion to the end?
And did he stomp the crowcus flat?
When angry, crowcuss? ((What a brat!)

For such a shiny, pretty bird,
His reputation seems absurd!
So, for the record, I dispute
The total loss of his repute!

This evening on this crisp fall day,
When kids (and crows) come out to play,
Please be kind-hearted, don’t demean
Or cawse them grief this Halloween.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Sticks to your ribs, served fresh and hot,
Come dive into our oatmeal pot!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks (with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Halloween -or- your favourite Knock-Knock Joke (October 31) Today!

Oatmeal (November 7)
Pickles (In or eating!) (November 14)
Giving Thanks! (November 21)
French Toast--or Breakfast (November 28)
Mittens (December 5)
Poinsettia -or- Potted Plants (December 12)
Muffins (December 19)
Candy Canes (December 26)


  1. As always bravo, my friend! I hope you have recovered from Covid! It's a nasty disease.

  2. Just got back from my noonday walk and a flock of crows had flown over us. I LOVE THIS. Hope you are feeling better, finally!

  3. I'm both awed and fascinated by crows. They're supposed to be very intelligent. Love the poem, as always...Laurie

  4. I love crows, they are smart, recognize faces, I use them in my work-in-progress...

  5. Crows are my favourite birds. Love the poem.

  6. Crows and ravens are among my favorites in the whole animal kingdom, your poem was excellent!

    For future topics, you might think about treasure, stuffed animals, get lost, clocks or time.

  7. Catching up..crows are very interesting


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