Friday, October 28, 2022

The ANT in me

I'm on the mend, the end's in sight,
(At least I wish with all my might,)
Today, I'll have to fudge a bit,
I hope this old poem is a hit!

If you could be an animal, what is it you would choose?

A lion with his heavy mane? A sloth who likes to snooze?

Perhaps a horse who runs so fast. A monkey in a tree?

How about a dolphin playing games of tag at sea?

A shaggy bear? They get to eat most everything that’s seen,

Go sleep the cold months all away and wake up really lean!

Sometimes, I think a great gazelle, cause they run really fast,

Or perhaps a spotted cheetah. Watch as I blow past!

An eagle flying overhead and looking down on all?

Would you choose an elephant? Or something rather small?

Now here’s the point that I would make: A bug’s NOT on the list,

At the bottom of the food chain, they’re the ones that just exist,

Look at all the ants! We humans see them as a pest,

And do the things we can to kill or tear apart their nests,

Getting squished or poisoned if they stray beyond their grounds,

So they try hard to live their lives where they cannot be found.

Is it any wonder that an ant I would not be?

I’m sure you see my point and likely with me you agree…

But here’s a thought I had not factored in the very least,

Though the ant is very small, he is a hearty beast,

And every one can carry ‘most a hundred times their weight,

In food and lots of yummy stuff, to put upon their plate,

And then the thought struck me: In food, a HUNDRED TIMES MY WEIGHT?

I’ll be an ant. Watch out! I’m heading for the choc-o-late!

Karen asks, "Write for me, please?"
We write because she's the Bee's Knees!
And we love her, you know that’s true,
So this is what we writers do . . .
We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
Sooo...this month, how well did I do?
Please go and see the others, too:


  1. Well, you certainly make a compelling case for the ant!

  2. So cute! Ants are amazing. Their societies actually look complex...Laurie

  3. Ants are interesting, except when they bite! I wish I was as strong as they are.

  4. Not convinced that I'd want to be an ant... if if I could carry 100 times my weight in chocolate!

  5. Ants are strong, but snails are stronger yet - they can carry their own house. Of course I would like to be an owl!
    Good to hear that the dreaded virus is losing the battle!

  6. Cute, but after that ant face that went around social media recently. No thank you. :)

  7. Wonderfully done! Thanks for the smile.

    You're in my prayers for full healing.

  8. I'll go for being a dolphin. They are the positive creatures of the sea.


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