Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Hearing Troubles

In the past couple of years, Husby has developed hearing troubles.

It’s true. 

There was a period of denial.

I mean, this is a man who has worked for the Provincial Government for nearly 40 years. And, in that time, has had to rely very much on his hearing.

He attended countless meetings.

Many, many of which he chaired. 

Hearing was important.

He played a key role in the building of all 19 of the province’s museums.

Hearing, ditto.

Served on countless committees and boards.

Again, the need to hear was key.

But, finally, and after a visit to a hearing clinic, he had to admit…he had a problem. (See above.)

Now he had two choices. 

Train everyone to look directly at him and speak loudly and clearly.


Or get hearing aids.

He broke down and did the latter.

He happily hears nearly everything now.

And that’s not the end of the story.

You see, the band of sound he is missing is that around the pitch of a woman’s voice.

My voice.


I don’t want to say I talk a lot but…okay, I talk a lot.

I think I talked him to deaf.

Sorry, Honey.


  1. That happens at my house, too. What. a "coincidence!"

  2. I'm the talker in my house too. Not sure if Hubs doesn't hear me half the time, or chooses to ignore me . . .

  3. So glad he agreed to a hearing aid, even if he can't hear you anymore!...Laurie

  4. I am always telling my husband he is wearing my ears out. He is definitely I'm a talker and well...I'm not.

  5. I am so glad he agreed to hearing aids. Deafness runs in my partner's family and my voice was one his father simply could not hear. (and he flatly refused to wear the hearing aids his family insisted he bought).

  6. I'm not the talker and I'm the one with the hearing problem. Hmmm.....

  7. Grandpa has a hearing aid but won't wear it.

    Uncle P used to run his hands through his hair and turn his hearing aids off when he didn't want to hear things.

  8. I was always accused of having a soft voice but I think it was muffled hearing instead. LOL


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