Monday, October 3, 2022

Name That Car!

Our first, a little Firefly that Husby drove to work,

He drove it through the traffic, which was often quite berserk,

With the vehicles around him—no one’s journeys quite the same,

His little ‘zippy’ car would save him. ZIPPY, it became.


Our family was big; when counting all in sum (not weight!)

We numbered 10. So getting ‘there’ required something great,

A van that seated 12 was perfect, dogs could fit in, too,

THE BEAST could take us all, and do it without much ado!


Then as our chicks were leaving and the numbers shrank and shrank,

We found we needed something less than our big, outsized tank,

One day, when driving past a dealer, noted something grand,

Our LADY, graceful, beautiful, just fit our smaller band!


We’ve had a lot of autos—some for long times, some for short,

Each functioned as was needed at the time—for our cohort,

Each aptly-named, and very much appreciated when

They gave us everything they had. And then did it again!


But now, with the just two of us, and Pandy in the back,

Our car is small. And quiet. (No more potty breaks or snacks.)

No bright and lively names for this one. Imagination’s dead,

Cause now the car that we are driving’s simply known as RED!



I’m sad because a little pickup bought back in the ‘oughts’,

That hauled our stuff for all these years—I estimate it’s ‘lots’,

Named for a skin condition due to age and heavy loads,

Tomorrow SCABBERS JR. will be heading ‘down the road’. 

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

Next week will be rather fishy,
It's Octopus (or something squishy)!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks (with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...

Name Your Car (October 3) Today!

Octopus (or something squishy) (October 10)
Most Memorable Italian Meal (October 17)
Bathtubs (October 24)

Halloween -or- your favourite Knock-Knock Joke (October 31) 

Oatmeal (November 7)


  1. I learned to name all of my vehicles from my father, but like you my imagination is gone so little truck in my yard is simply names tie-ota (as my grandson did proclaim! said with a mighty country twang) Toyota is what's on it's birth certificate!

  2. It is interesting how we tend over time to name our cars. I remember the dark read car we had when I was a child. There was one that rattled and the doors squeaked --that didn't get a name. My Dodge I called Big Baby and it kept me safe on so many drives. Now she too is gone...

  3. How our cars change with time. I remember how messy my cars used to be, with melted popsicles, toys, and popcorn on the floor. Now they're wonderfully neat, but I still miss those crazy car days...Laurie

  4. We've never named our cars, and we must be in a minority because I think everyone I know does. And why not; your car becomes practically a part of you. I do remember a friend's car we named (behind her back) the Turtle, because of the way it was shaped. Like your names better.

  5. I've never named a car. I now feel like I have somehow let the vehicle world down.

  6. It took me a long time to come up with the latest name, but it's worth it. Moment of silence for Scabbers, Jr.


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