Sunday, November 27, 2022

BBB Times Ten


It's my tenth turn to host my BFFs of the BBB's!

Recently, Husby and I took a little Covid holiday. (In that IT visited and we suffered. ) Nothing quite changes your perspective like a brief dalliance with de-struction.
But we're alive to tell the tale (Which is quite, quite disgusting) and that's all that matters!

Now onto more pleasant things!
This time, my Best of Boomer Bloggers are discussing everything from Thanksgiving to Christmas!

First is Carol Cassara of Carol A. Cassara, Writer:

Christmas started early for Carol Cassara, with a week in London chock-full of fun events, from theatre, to visiting the Queen's grave, to tea at the Ritz (and more). Over at her blog she shares details and photos in How We Started Christmas in London.

Buying a new car and wondering which ones on your short list are the most reliable? Consumer Reports issues a report every year on vehicle reliability. Toyota tops the latest list with Mercedes-Benz coming in last, reports Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. See which brands are No. 2 throughNo. 23 in her article.

 Then we have Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants and Scribbles:

Do you feel holiday pressure starting to kick in? Do you feel the need to get everything done…on time…on budget… and with a smile? The other day Laurie Stone’s inner Scrooge started up. The to-list was growing — trees, wreathes, cards, decorations, stockings, holly, cookies, gifts. She needed to get into the spirit. Then she turned on the radio…

And Rebecca Olkowski of Baby Boomster:

As the weather gets cooler, we begin to crave warm and satisfying meals. Rebecca Olkowski, with has a great recipe for Butternut Squash Stew that is Italian-inspired and vegetarian. It’s also packed with nutrients and immunity boosters. Give it a try.

Followed by Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin:
The month of November we turned the clocks back one hour, celebrated Thanksgiving, and Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin spent a couple of weeks exploring New Mexico and Arizona, and contemplating time. She ruminates on the topic of time in this week’s post.

Then finally, me! 
Diane Tolley of On the Border:

When a Little learns to pray, it's both entertaining...
And something to be THANKFUL for!

And that's a wrap!
Thank you for reading...
I do hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!


  1. They all sound excellent, especially the recipe!

  2. Thanks for a great job, Diane!... Laurie

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