Friday, November 25, 2022

Kindness Begins With...

I want to be kind to everyone,
For that is right, you see!
So I say to myself, “Remember this…
Kindness begins with me!”
            -from a favourite childhood song by Clara W. McMaster 

My Mom was the sweet soul of kindness,
She helped everyone that she’d see,
With cooking or cleaning or baking or gleaning…
She was an example to me.
If we kids started in with our fighting,
She’d start singing her favourite song,
Even caught in the fight, there was nothing else right…
Except to start singing along.
When Big Brother got into some mischief,
She chased him about with the broom,
Rebuke turned to glee—no ‘swattage’ for he…
And happiness replaced the gloom!
People are known for their talents,
Athletes, or writers and more,
There are all kinds of fame, people cheering their name…
Mom’s kindness is what I cheer for. 

This month's Theme: Kindness
Karen asks, "Write for me, please?"
We write because she's the Bee's Knees!
And we love her, you know that’s true,
So this is what we writers do . . .
We craft a poem based on a theme,
With pencils, sharp, and eyes agleam,
Each month we write and have such fun
We can't wait for another one,
Sooo...this month, how well did I do?
Please go and see the others, too:

The song: Kindness Begins with Me. Mom's and my favourite!
(It repeats three times...)


  1. Ah, I see that the apple does not fall far from the tree!

  2. Can't think of a more beautiful thing to remember your mother for.

  3. Our world could use so much more kindness and we need more people like your Mom. And look at the fine people she raised. This song was new to me.

  4. Lovely remembrance. <3

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