Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Cold or Gusty

Winter has truly arrived here in Northern Alberta.
With temperatures set to plummet to -30C (-22F), we are digging out the long-johns and woolies.
And remembering other days...
This . . .
In the early days of our marriage, Husby and I bought a mobile home.
It was 686 square feet of cozy, happy space.
And it was all ours!
Our little home on wheels came with a small entryway, built by the previous owner and attached to the side of the trailer with an assortment of screws.
Husby got the trailer set up. Dug lines for water and sewer. Connected the power.
And attached the entry.
We had a home!
I should probably mention, here, that, in Southern Alberta, mobile homes MUST be set up in an east-to-west direction. If they sit north-to-south, there is a very real risk of having them roll over in tomorrow’s gale force winds.
True story.
Moving on . . .
Our little home sat on the bare prairie, fully exposed to the elements, but it presented one of the small sides to the wind.
All was well.
Our bedroom was in the far west side. No problem.
And then . . . the wind.
During the day, spending our time - as we did - in the center, or on the east end, the wind was merely scary as the trailer shivered with each onslaught.
At night, however, it was truly terrifying as we lay in our bed with the floor bucking and hopping beneath us.
One doesn’t get much sleep when one is in a constant state of ‘oh-my-goodness-we-are-going-to-roll-completely-over-with-the-next-gust’.
One afternoon, I was standing in the kitchen with the wind howling around me. A strange noise had begun. A . . . scraping sound. I waited for the next blast. There it was again. I followed the sound.
Right to our little entryway.
With each blast, it was being slowly ripped from its moorings. I could see daylight in the cracks.
Frantically, I called Husby at work.
He hurried home and surveyed the situation. He fired up the tractor and placed the bucket against the backside of the little box, supporting it against the onslaught.
Then went back to work.
For the rest of the day, I kept an eye on our sad little entryway.
Things didn’t look good.
Finally, Husby came home for the day. He looked at the entry, creaking and jumping with every gust. 
Then he reached out and, putting a hand under the step, lifted.
The entire structure vaulted into the air like a box-kite and flew 300 feet, landing in the nearby field. You have to know that this wasn’t a little, flimsy, featherweight structure. It was built of solid materials. Walls, floor, roof, doors.
And yet it flew 300 feet.
Husby then proceeded to build newer, bigger and better.
Which lasted until we sold our little first home and moved north.
Out of the wind.
Into the cold.
But our house didn’t shake and we could sleep at night.
Yep. I'll take the cold.
Or this . . .
Photo Credit


  1. Funny you should post this today, we have both cold and whipping winds. Although I know my house is going nowhere, I do often worry about the trees in the woods behind us.

  2. I lived for four years in Kansas, so had a taste of Plains winds. Just a taste. Never in a mobile home. I salute you! I don't miss the weather out in Kansas except when they get spring before us in New York.

  3. Wind is nothing to play around with, gale or hurricane or straight line wind, all of them can be dangerous.

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