Friday, January 20, 2023

Hair Lost

See? Cute. But hairless . . .
I don't want to say that our second son didn't have any hair when he was born, but . . .
Okay. He didn't have any hair.
There is a story behind that . . . 
And it all has to do with tomatoes.
When I was expecting him, I craved tomatoes.
I couldn't get enough tomatoes.
Or anything remotely 'tomato'.
We ate tacos a lot.
Four or five times a week.
Fortunately, my Husby liked tacos.
Have I mentioned that my Husby is a patient lad?
Well, he is.
Moving on . . .
Our tacos were very heavy in the tomato department.
Fresh, diced.
Mixed into the meat as tomato sauce from a can. 
Spooned on as salsa (pico de gallo).
I think we could quite literally have called them 'tomato tacos'.
Oh, and I added Tabasco sauce.
A lot of Tabasco sauce.
Because, along with my out-of-control craving for tomatoes, was my even-more-out-of-control craving for things spicy.
So my usual routine was: 
  1. Taco shell. 
  2. Smear with Salsa. The hottest that could be found.
  3. Spoon in meat, complete with lots of tomato. 
  4. Add another giant spoon of Salsa
  5. Cover with fresh, diced tomatoes. 
  6. Add fresh, diced onions and shredded cheese. 
  7. Add another spoonful of salsa. 
  8. Just because. 
  9. Add seven drops of Tabasco. Seven. Not one drop more or less.
  10. Eat.
  11. Repeat.
  12. Several times
  13. Mmmmm.
When my baby boy was born, he had no hair on his little round head.
My Husby maintains that I burned it off.
But what do Husby's know . . .?
An interesting side note:
The day I brought my baby home from the hospital, I again made tacos.
I had been days without them and was definitely needing my fix.
I put a taco together in the same fashion that had become routine in the preceding months . . .
And couldn't eat it.
It was so hot, I couldn't get it anywhere near my face, let alone inside my mouth.
Another side note:
My Dad, from the day that Erik was born until he was two and actually began to grow hair, called my son 'Cueball'.
He even painted an 'eight' on top of his head.
True story.
All due to tomatoes.
Who knew?


  1. You craved tomatoes? I craved mint chocolate chip ice cream. And my older son? He was born with hair. And a love for mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  2. Ooh, now you're making me think. I craved Ben & Jerry's chocolate brownie ice cream when I was pregnant (yes, I gained 50 lbs.) Yet come to think of it, guess what my son's favorite ice cream is? Goose bumps...Laurie

  3. Addendum from Husby: Our beautiful little Cueball grew up and from age 2 (plus or minus) grew a lovely head of dark brown hair much like his father's, proving that the genetic materials that I provided to the project were perhaps slower to activate but ultimately stronger than multiple tomato-and-pepper sauces. Erik kept his hair until he joined the army and then the police force, and now he pretty much buzzes his hair all off, perpetually. Sigh . . . . after all that hard work on my part . . . .
    Husby Grant

  4. All of mine had some hair, but #2 Son had the least. One day Grandpa was holding him and a cousin said, "They both have the same hair line, except one's coming and one's going!"

  5. With my first son, I ate a lot of fried onion sandwiches and he loves them too, at 48, he has eaten them since he had enough teeth to chew them. Only one of my children was born bald.


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