Thursday, January 19, 2023

Little Toots

I don’t often write about bodily humour.
Okay, you’re right. This makes twice in one week.
It was just so cute . . .
Momma and Little Girl (hereinafter known as LG) were having a ‘sleepover’.
They had enjoyed a fun evening of movies.
Pillow fights.
And staying up way too late.
Morning had arrived, as morning often does.
Both were lying in bed. Momma, trying to get the energy to roll out of said bed.
LG watching Momma.
Someone tooted.
Momma looked over at LG. “Was that you?”
LG giggled.
“You just tooted in my bed!”
More giggles.
“You’re not supposed to toot in my bed!”
LG looked coy. “That’s okay, Momma,” she said. “I’m on Daddy’s side of the bed!”

There is a lot of 'stuff' going on in the world.
You won't find any of it here.
I want this blog to be a little oasis of peace and good humour.
Thank you for visiting!


  1. Yes, usually those things happen more often on Daddy's side!... Laurie

  2. Heeheehee! Daddy won't care, i'm sure.

  3. Hehe, I'll remember this excuse! too cute.


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