Friday, March 31, 2023


 One of Daddy's stories...

Not sure about the rest of you, but me? I would be scared,
To haunted houses, I’d not go. Not e’en if someone dared!
But Jade was made of tougher stuff. She had no fear at all,
And haunted houses she’d seek out—they had the girl enthralled!
Jade paid no mind to goblins and for ghosts, she had no dread,
Not even when we pointed out to her, “Girl, they’re all dead!”
Sooo, let’s get back to haunted homes, one in par-tic-u-lar,
A creepy house the edge of town, t’was really quite bizarre!
No one had ever stayed the night, and long it’d stood alone,
And only old folks could recall when it was someone’s home,
Well, it was great for Jade and, toting sleeping bag and stuff,
Determined she would spend the night, prove she was ‘tough enough’,
At first, she got things figured out, she found a place to sleep,
Set up her bed, then smiled as she envisaged slumber deep,
But just as sunset passed and darkness settled all around,
Jade stopped what she was doing. Wait! Did she just hear a sound?
And sure enough, right through the door, a casket did appear,
Filling Jade with unaccustomed nervousness and fear,
She screamed and stared running t’ward the door just opposite,
Concerned about her fearless reputation? Not a bit!
She darted through the open doorway, slammed the door quite hard,
Breathing better only when the door was locked and barred,
But did it stop the casket? Didn’t even slow it down,
And Jade found herself looking for the far side of the town!
And room-by-room she and the casket (an unlikely pair),
Ran together through the house from ‘here’ as far as ‘there’!
And just like that, she reached the end, she'd truly given all,
Watching as the casket slowly drifted through the wall,
She found the room devoid of either furnishings or trim,
With nothing there to help her, Jade was feeling rather grim,
In the shadows, saw a flask. T’was all the room did show,
She heaved it at the casket just as hard as she could throw!
And just like that, the casket stopped, as dead as dead could be,
Jade stared at it. Now what on earth? Moved forward cautiously,
Again picked up the bottle, this time scrutinized it close,
(Whilst keeping one eye on the casket), set to diagnose,
Jade was surprised at what she read—a thing you don’t see often,
It was a bottle of cough syrup. And sure, it stopped the coffin!

Once a month, we are issued a challenge to write a poem based on a theme.
It is, in a word: fun!
This month’s theme: Syrup
Hmmm...what to do with that?!

Want another serving?


  1. Love it, I had absolutely no idea where this was going, right up to your punchline!

  2. Arrrgh! This is probably the worst shaggy dog pun ever!

  3. It stopped the coffin 😂 Priceless!
    Thank you for visiting my Airport post - unfortunately there will more where this was coming from.


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