Monday, April 3, 2023

Mapped Out

Husby and I like to travel, it’s true,
There’s so many things now to see…and to do,
We’ve been known to travel by car or by air,
But things have sure changed with this travel affair.
Now when we go, we use cell phones and apps,
In earlier days we relied on our maps,
As he was the driver, most places, most times,
I had to navigate—NOT so sublime.
I’d figure out routes and mark them carefully,
Then spy out the exits and stops we would need,
“This is our exit!” I would say, all excited,
It was just like the weather report I recited...
Directing and pointing while guiding our mission
A little bit louder with each repetition.
Cause he of the steering control, he did not
Listen to me, despite how loud I got!
But the most aggravating aspect of this,
He drove us straight there, with nary a miss,
I would find us 8 ways to reach our destination,
But he simply drove with his ‘map aberration’!
We learned we could travel, we just learned what worked,
As long as the maps I did dutifully shirk,
Oddly, we two never argued, or worse,
The map simply stayed right there—tucked in my purse.
But now when we travel, we use GPS,
I type in the address with studied finesse,
And he simply follows, doesn’t dispute his choice
He never will argue with that sexy voice!

Years ago, I saw Foster Brooks at a roast for Jimmy Stewart.
For those who don't know, Foster Brooks was a stand-up comedian whose 'schtick' was acting drunk.
I thought he was hilarious.
Here, he discusses being the navigator for Jimmy Stewart during the Second World War.

Cause Mondays do get knocked a lot,
With poetry, we all besought
To try to make the week begin
With gentle thoughts,
Perhaps a grin?
So KarenCharlotteMimi, me
Have crafted poems for you to see.
And now you’ve read what we have wrought…
Did we help?
Or did we not?

With the return of goose and loon...
Golfing season's starting soon!

Thinking of joining us for Poetry Monday?
We'd love to welcome you!
Topics for the next few weeks 
(with a huge thank-you to Mimi, who comes up with so many of them!)...
Maps (April 3) Today!
Golf (April 10)
Safety Pins (April 17)
Pigs in Blankets (April 24)
Rhinos (May 1)
Socks (May 8)
Chocolate Chip (May 15)
Musical Instruments (May 22)
Compost (May 29)


  1. Of course, I had to research this, because I did know Jimmy Stewart was a World War II combat veteran. It doesn't appear that Foster Brooks served with JImmy, but I learned some cool facts about Brooks - including the fact that, at the time he was famous, he rarely took a drink.

    1. I did know the non-drinking part, but definitely did not know they never served together! Oops! ;)

  2. You've mentioned before your husband's legendary skills at navigating.

    Thanks for the Foster Brooks clip, i'd forgotten just how funny he was.

  3. That video was very funny :)


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